Clarification details
Updated December 2020. This document has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.
Focus of the standard
Students will produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions. The design and plan are iterative, working documents that track and record all aspects of pre-production over a period of time. Students are required to demonstrate evidence of appealing to a target audience and evidence of reflection and the reworking of ideas.
Applying conventions
At least five conventions of the chosen genre and/or medium will guide the design of the media product. The application of these conventions should be evident in the concept, treatment and planning documents, demonstrating how the intended product will appeal to the target audience.
The appeal of the evolving design on the target audience should be measured and reflected on by the student. This should occur at more than one point in the design and plan. To do this, the brief should specify a target audience that the student has access to.
Pre-production materials
These materials form the foundation of the design and plan. They reflect the development of the initial ideas in the concept and treatment to the realisation of a final product. For moving image this includes scripts and storyboards. For print or web productions, detailed dummy spreads are required. For radio, vlogs and podcasts this includes scripts and format clocks.
As part of their planning materials, students should identify specific practicalities that may affect their ability to create a final product. They must also demonstrate evidence of planning for any ethical or legal aspects, such as gaining permissions.
Presentation of evidence
The design and plan can be a combination of written, visual or oral evidence across various modes such as a visual diary, a series of blog entries or audio recordings. The selected modes must allow students to demonstrate evidence of genuine reflection and the reworking of ideas as the ideas in the design and plan change and evolve over time.
To award a grade, all components of the design and plan must be submitted. These include a completed concept, treatment, planning documents and information about the practicalities involved in creating a developed media product.