Clarification details
Updated September 2015. This document has been updated although no new moderation issues have arisen.
Formulating research question/s
Formulation of research focus question/s, frameworks, logs, bibliographies and references remain vital components of the research process (Explanatory Note 3).
To enable depth (Merit) and insight (Excellence) to be demonstrated in their conclusions, students should be refining research questions to a narrow scope, including devising focus question/s. The research question is pivotal to the students’ identifying an area of research.
For example, ‘A history of the Blues’ or ‘The music of Mozart’, has no potential for adequate research – such topics are merely fact finding. Questions need to be asked, such as: ‘What are the influences of African and European music on the Blues?’, ‘What effect did patronage and non-patronage have on Mozart’s musical output?’, or ‘How much was Mozart influenced by his contemporaries and artistic fashions of the day?’
Without first identifying the question, the risk is that the end result will be a project on an area of interest rather than an investigation into a topic that shows robust research, well supported arguments and valid and perceptive conclusions.