Level 3 Preliminary information

Clarifications for AS 91872, AS 91873, AS 91874 and AS 91875

Clarification details

91872: Analyse the interaction between psychological approaches

This standard requires students to analyse the interaction between psychological approaches.

Approaches and theories

Approaches are assumptions or perspectives about human nature that are the starting points for, or are illustrated by, the respective theories and studies.

Students need to emphasise the interactions between the approaches and the extent to which respective theories or studies illustrate the interaction.

91873: Analyse the significance of a key piece of research and its impact on society

Analysis with supporting evidence

This standard requires students to analyse what made a key piece of research significant and how the research made an impact on society.

The analysis needs to be backed by explanations, evidence or examples.

91874: Conduct independent psychological research with consultation

This standard requires systematic steps, and the task can be formatted with headings or prompts for the students to follow.


Students should expect feedback from the teacher about ethical and other appropriate features of their research plan before collecting the data, and these features must be evident in the responses they produce.

Aim and purpose

Students must use a psychological concept or idea to develop a statement of the aim and purpose of their research. The concept or idea must be derived from recognised psychological sources and not just from their own ideas.

Research Design

For Merit, students must explicitly state the reasons for the choice of research method used.

Data and findings

Students should:

  • use clearly defined information or summary data that is clearly labelled
  • support their findings with summary evidence or data.

Students may choose to provide an appendix which includes their raw data or other relevant research materials.

91875: Analyse how theories are applied within a field of psychological practice

Topic Discussion

Students need to discuss how at least two theories are applied. The application of theories must focus on functional or realistic uses that are supported by explanation, evidence or examples.

See all Psychology clarifications