Making judgements for implement standards

Clarification for Technology standards that require you to implement something

These standards include:

  Level 2 Level 3
Manufacturing 91366 91618
Construction & Mechanical Technologies









Digital Technologies











Processing Technologies 91351 91643

They generally require students to implement processes/procedures. That is, they must follow a set of techniques/processing operations and apply a range of tests to demonstrate an outcome meets specifications.


For a student to be at Merit, they must skilfully implement processes/procedures. This requires independence and accuracy to be shown.  

For the assessor to validate that the student has shown accuracy, the outcome must be judged as overall being made with precision.

To make a judgement for independence, the following guidelines might be helpful.

The student:

  • takes responsibility for achieving a quality outcome
  • plans effectively, thinks ahead, is well organised, self starting, self managing
  • makes their own decisions
  • books equipment/machines in a timely fashion
  • purchases and/or brings required materials in a timely fashion
  • stores their work carefully
  • carries out appropriate checking and testing and takes corrective action as necessary
  • recognises and deals with issues promptly
  • is always able to describe what they are doing and why and where their project is heading.

It does NOT mean that the student:

  • is unable to ask for help with technical (for example, faulty equipment) or safety issues
  • is responsible for the consequences of inadequate project storage facilities.


For a student to be at Excellence, they must efficiently implement processes/procedures. This requires economisation of time, effort and materials to be shown.

Evidence of economisation of time is about personal organisation and might include such things as:

  • completing the project in an acceptable time frame
  • doing another job if the current one is held up
  • looking after resources so students can quickly pick up where they left off
  • minimal wandering/chattering
  • planning/organising so that jobs do not need to be redone.

Evidence of economisation of effort is about working efficiently and might include such things as:

  • knowing what to do and getting on with it and not relying on trial and error
  • using information from testing to guide practice
  • using the best tool/procedure for the task.

Evidence of economisation of materials is about minimising the use of materials. This might include such things as:

  • laying out/marking/cutting to use the least amount of material (photos could provide sound evidence)
  • planning so that materials are not wasted.

Economy of time, effort and materials are often linked. For example, choosing the correct tool will save time and effort and minimise wastage.

The difference between Merit and Excellence

Because the products that students make may be very similar (especially at level 1), it is the way they carry out the procedures that will determine whether they are at Merit or Excellence. It is most important that the assessor is able to justify their judgement to the student, parents, the moderator or whoever else may question the judgement. A modified TKI assessment schedule that includes examples of possible evidence that matches the outcome being made could make the assessor validation of grades process very straightforward. The Guidelines for moderation outlines other strategies that could be used to explain assessor judgements.

Guidelines for presenting Technology work for moderation (external link)

See all Technology clarifications