AS 91325 clarification

Clarification for AS 91325: Produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions

Clarification details

Updated December 2016. This document has been updated in its entirety to highlight key issues identified through moderation.

Valid approaches

Conventions for this standard must exist within a specific traditional or contemporary cultural practice as identified in Explanatory Note 5. Generic outcomes, such as a painting generated for another standard, are not likely to meet the specific cultural convention requirement of the standard.

Teachers need to clearly define the particular characteristics and constraints associated with the selected cultural convention, including the:

  • Technical conventions, including the processes, procedures, materials, and techniques applicable to a particular context.
  • Design conventions, including particular features such as form, style, size, structure, proportion, and component relationships appropriate to a particular context.

A list of the conventions relevant to the identified context should be provided for students. 

Research and developmental work, while a necessary precursor, does not contribute to assessment decisions for this standard. However, supporting evidence is recommended for external moderation purposes.

Resolved Work

Evidence for this standard must:

  • be a completed object that realises a particular idea
  • demonstrate technical and design skills appropriate to the identified cultural convention
  • be sufficiently significant to reflect level two status and four credit weighting of the standard.

Sustained control and facility with skills

Sustained control of skills means the consistent management of relevant processes, procedures, materials and techniques. Works show understanding of pictorial and conceptual conventions in a successful design that clearly reflects established practice.

Facility with skills means a high level of proficiency with all materials and techniques. Works show the confident and fluent application of the conventions of established practice.

See all Visual Arts clarifications