Standards exclusion list

Download the standards exclusion list, which shows standards that are mutually exclusive

The Exclusion List was developed to prevent the use of credits from standards that recognise similar outcomes contributing to the award of qualifications (including NCEA), awards and endorsements.

Specifically, the registration of achievement standards that recognised the same or similar outcomes as other achievement or unit standards required a mechanism to prevent 'double dipping'.

This means that when two standards are mutually exclusive, you cannot use the credits for both to achieve a qualification or course endorsement.

In the spreadsheet below, a left-hand-side standard and the corresponding right-hand-side standard are mutually exclusive.

The Ministry of Education, supported by NZQA, manage the review and development of new achievement standards. Any new exclusions resulting from this process are included in the current Standards Exclusion List.

Standards Exclusion List - March 2024 [XLSX, 170 KB]

Standards that have expired are no longer achievable. However, some students may already hold credit for expired standards and so should be made aware of the exclusions.

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