How we choose New Zealand Scholarship subjects

Information on how we choose subjects for the New Zealand Scholarship Subject list

The NZQA Board uses a set criteria to assess the suitability of a subject to be included on or excluded from the New Zealand Scholarship Subject List.

A subject may be removed from the Scholarship Subject List if the Board finds that all aspects of the criteria for inclusion have not been satisfied.

Criteria for a subject to be included in New Zealand Scholarship

There are criteria for a subject to be on the New Zealand Scholarship list.

A current or proposed subject must allow students to show the high-level abilities needed for a New Zealand Scholarship award.

The NZQA Board decides which subjects are on the list and only deletes subjects after careful consideration.

There are 3 criteria for including a subject on the New Zealand Scholarship list.

1. Curriculum or government goals

  1. Scholarship subjects meet government goals about the future direction of the country.
  2. Scholarship subjects are derived from New Zealand Curriculum up to and including Level 8 and the subject Teaching and Learning guides
  3. Scholarship subjects recognise two of New Zealand’s official languages (te reo Māori and English; with sign language being the third)

2. Subject maturity

  1. significant numbers of candidates have shown the ability to perform with excellence at NCEA Level 3
  2. there are writers and markers available of sufficient calibre and experience in this subject to produce quality assessment for students at the appropriate level
  3. there is an appropriate tertiary path for Scholarship students in this subject
  4. the subject has the capacity to permit students to exhibit the high-level cognitive abilities for the credibility of the Scholarship examination.

3. Practical aspects

  1. there are sufficient candidates to make the most efficient and effective use of resources
  2. the proposed mode of assessment is logistically manageable
  3. running the external assessment is possible within the agreed cost parameters
  4. there are sufficient writers and markers within the New Zealand education workforce to supply quality independent assessment for students at the appropriate level.

Review cycle

There will be a review every two years to determine if a current or proposed subject fulfils the requirements to be included on the New Zealand Scholarship subjects list.

NZQA carries out the review, in consultation with the Ministry of Education and sector interest groups.

We will carefully consider all feedback before recommending any additions to or deletions from the current list of subjects for New Zealand Scholarship.

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