See the tables below for information about the results for 2019 NZ Scholarship.
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Overall New Zealand Scholarship results 2019
Award | 2019 requirements for the award | Number of students |
Premier Awards $10,000 each year for 3 years for the very top 7 to 12 students, as long as they maintain at least a B grade average in tertiary studies |
A minimum of 4 Scholarships at Outstanding level, or a minimum of 3 Scholarships at Outstanding level, demonstrating outstanding breadth and depth, with 2 or more additional Scholarships. Note: The number of recipients for this award is restricted and achieving the minimum requirement will not guarantee an award. |
12 |
Outstanding Scholar Awards $5,000 each year for 3 years for the top 40 to 60 students as long as they maintain at least a B grade average in tertiary studies |
A minimum of 3 Scholarships with 2 or 3 at Outstanding level, or at least 5 Scholarships with 1 at Outstanding level. Note: The number of recipients for this award is restricted and achieving the minimum requirement will not guarantee an award. |
58 |
Top Subject Scholarship Awards $2,000 each year for 3 years as long as students maintain at least a B grade in tertiary studies |
Top of Subject | 35 |
Scholarship Award $2,000 each year for 3 years as long as students maintain at least a B grade average in tertiary studies |
Scholarship in 3 or more subjects or Outstanding Scholarship in 2 subjects ,with no third subject, in the same year | 254 |
Single Subject Awards A one-off award of $500 per subject with a maximum payment is $1,000 |
1 or 2 Scholarships | 1805 |
In 2019, the 35 Top Subject Scholarship awards were achieved by 35 students. Of these 35 students, 20 received Top Subject monetary awards and the other 15 received awards in other categories.
However, candidates receiving a Top Subject Scholar Award, who also achieve Scholarship in another subject, receive the Top Subject Award and, in addition, a maximum of one $500 Single-Subject Award.
New Zealand Scholarship awards by subject
Information on the number of New Zealand Scholarship students for each subject and what they were awarded.
Scholarship Subject | Level 3 student cohort | % of cohort awarded NZ Scholarship, including Outstanding | Number of students awarded NZ Scholarship, excluding Outstanding | Number of students awarded Outstanding |
Accounting | 2266 | 3 | 61 | 7 |
Agriculture and Horticulture | 530 | 3.02 | 14 | 2 |
Art History | 934 | 2.78 | 23 | 3 |
Biology | 10027 | 2.88 | 258 | 31 |
Calculus | 9386 | 2.99 | 250 | 31 |
Chemistry | 9136 | 3.03 | 249 | 28 |
Chinese | 893 | 3.02 | 24 | 3 |
Classical Studies | 3363 | 3 | 91 | 10 |
Dance | 923 | 2.38 | 19 | 3 |
Design | 2294 | 2.83 | 58 | 7 |
Design and Visual Communication | 1353 | 3.03 | 37 | 4 |
Drama | 2178 | 3.08 | 60 | 7 |
Earth and Space Science | 1002 | 2.5 | 23 | 2 |
Economics | 3053 | 3.01 | 83 | 9 |
English | 16113 | 3.01 | 436 | 49 |
French | 520 | 3.08 | 14 | 2 |
Geography | 5256 | 3.1 | 147 | 16 |
German | 221 | 3.17 | 6 | 1 |
Health and Physical Education | 4874 | 3.18 | 142 | 13 |
History | 6543 | 2.92 | 170 | 21 |
Japanese | 458 | 3.06 | 12 | 2 |
Latin | 39 | 10.26 | 3 | 1 |
Media Studies | 2552 | 2.98 | 69 | 7 |
Music | 1587 | 3.15 | 45 | 5 |
Painting | 2880 | 2.85 | 73 | 9 |
Photography | 2996 | 3.1 | 84 | 9 |
Physics | 8738 | 3 | 235 | 27 |
Printmaking | 390 | 3.08 | 11 | 1 |
Samoan | 253 | 3.16 | 7 | 1 |
Sculpture | 196 | 3.06 | 5 | 1 |
Spanish | 374 | 3.21 | 11 | 1 |
Statistics | 10328 | 2.87 | 262 | 34 |
Technology | 3756 | 1.89 | 60 | 11 |
Te Reo Maori | 848 | 3.07 | 23 | 3 |
Te Reo Rangatira | 184 | 2.72 | 4 | 1 |
The Technical Overview Group Assessment applies discretion in the setting of cut scores. The 3% criterion is applied with discretion of plus or minus 5 students.
Cut scores are set so all students at or above the cut score have demonstrated performance at the Scholarship standard.
High numbers of Scholarships in Latin
A significantly higher number of Level 3 students achieve New Zealand Scholarship in Latin, than in other subjects. This is because:
Latin has a very small number of students at Level 3. Therefore, there is a larger proportion of Level 3 students awarded Scholarship in Latin.
Up to 5 students on top of 3% of the Level 3 cohort can receive Scholarship in each subject. Because Latin is undertaken by a very small number of students, and a very small number at Level 3, a high percentage of Level 3 students receive awards.
New Zealand Scholarship cut scores
The cut scores table shows the range of New Zealand Scholarship scores and number of students for each subject.
Subject | Scholarship award: score range |
Scholarship award: number of students |
Outstanding award: score range |
Outstanding award: number of students |
Accounting | 19-25 | 61 | 26-32 | 7 |
Agriculture and Horticulture | 13-18 | 14 | 19-24 | 2 |
Art History | 13-20 | 23 | 21-24 | 3 |
Biology | 13-18 | 258 | 19-24 | 31 |
Calculus | 21-33 | 250 | 34-40 | 31 |
Chemistry | 17-24 | 249 | 25-32 | 28 |
Chinese | 17-20 | 24 | 21-24 | 3 |
Classical Studies | 14-19 | 91 | 20-24 | 10 |
Dance | 13-20 | 19 | 21-24 | 3 |
Design | 14-19 | 58 | 20-24 | 7 |
Design and Visual Communication | 13-18 | 37 | 19-24 | 4 |
Drama | 15-20 | 60 | 21-24 | 7 |
Earth and Space Science | 13-18 | 23 | 19-24 | 2 |
Economics | 13-18 | 83 | 19-24 | 9 |
English | 13-20 | 436 | 21-24 | 49 |
French | 15-22 | 14 | 23-24 | 2 |
Geography | 13-18 | 147 | 19-24 | 16 |
German | 16-22 | 6 | 23-24 | 1 |
Health and Physical Education | 13-19 | 142 | 20-24 | 13 |
History | 17-24 | 170 | 25-32 | 21 |
Japanese | 17-20 | 12 | 21-24 | 2 |
Latin | 25-29 | 3 | 30-32 | 1 |
Media Studies | 14-18 | 69 | 19-24 | 7 |
Music | 16-21 | 45 | 22-24 | 5 |
Painting | 13-19 | 73 | 20-24 | 9 |
Photography | 13-19 | 84 | 20-24 | 9 |
Physics | 22-31 | 235 | 32-40 | 27 |
Printmaking | 18-22 | 11 | 23-24 | 1 |
Samoan | 14-19 | 7 | 20-24 | 1 |
Sculpture | 18-22 | 5 | 23-24 | 1 |
Spanish | 15-22 | 11 | 23-24 | 1 |
Statistics | 22-30 | 262 | 31-40 | 34 |
Technology | 13-18 | 60 | 19-24 | 11 |
Te Reo Maori | 16-19 | 23 | 20-24 | 3 |
Te Reo Rangatira | 17-20 | 4 | 21-24 | 1 |