2022 Outstanding Scholar Award winners

Names of students who won Outstanding Scholar Awards 2022

Fifty students gained Outstanding Scholar Awards in 2022. 

List of Outstanding Scholar Award winners for 2022

Name School
Dylan Barker* Lindisfarne College
Qiushi Chen Christ's College
Sung Eun Choi Westlake Boys' High School
Ga Fai Chou Westlake Boys' High School
Amie Cummack Diocesan School for Girls
Hellen Ding Epsom Girls' Grammar School
Wesley Donald Mount Albert Grammar School
Tom Edwards * St Andrew's College
Taygen Elliott Iona College
Eliza Ferguson-Dudding Rangitoto College
Cam Fraser King's High School
William Gao Macleans College
Oliver Gunson Auckland Grammar School
Harry Hampton Wellington College
Allan Han Macleans College
Sumner Hancock Wellington College
Toby Harvie St Andrew's College
Anthony Hawke Sacred Heart College (Auckland)
Ben Hawke King's High School
Isaac Heap Christ's College
Ashley Huddart* Rangitoto College
Trisan Huynh Botany Downs Secondary College
Henry Isac Wellington College
William Jun Westlake Boys' High School
Tapas Kant Havelock North High School
Grady Kenix* Burnside High School
Lily Knox St Hilda's Collegiate School
Jayden Kumar Auckland Grammar School
Ethan Lee* Auckland Grammar School
Eric Liang ACG Parnell College
Alexander Mayo Hamilton Boys' High School
Isla McLarin Cashmere High School
Jacob Porter Hamilton Boys' High School
Janvi Puri Burnside High School
Sarthak Singh Wellington College
Benjamin Smith Onslow College
Alexander Sun Logan Park High School
Yiyang Tao Westlake Boys' High School
Nyle Turuwhenua* Pukekohe High School
James Wang Burnside High School
Jessica Wang Rangitoto College
Nanding Wang* Westlake Boys' High School
Sean Wang St Kentigern College
Wesley Wang Auckland Grammar School
Hannah Wilson* Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School
Grace Xu Mount Roskill Grammar School
Oscar Xu* Wellington College
Sara Yavari* Rangitoto College
Brian Zhao ACG Parnell College
Yujia Zheng Mount Albert Grammar School
Luke Zhu St Andrew's College

* The asterisk beside names are the 10 Outstanding Scholar Award winners who are also Top Subject Scholar Award winners

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