2022 Top Subject Scholarship Award winners

Names of students who won Top Subject Scholarship Awards 2022

Thirty four students gained Top Subject Scholarship Awards in 2022.

List of 2022 Top Subject Scholarship Award winners

Subject Name School
Accounting Tayla Prestidge OneSchool Global
Agricultural and Horticultural Science Dylan Barker Lindisfarne College
Art History Jack Barnett Westlake Boys' High School
Biology Shun Ting Khor* Burnside High School
Calculus Nicholas McKinlay St Kentigern College
Chemistry Ethan Lee** Auckland Grammar School
Chinese Oscar Xu** Wellington College
Classical Studies Shuxin Guo* Hillcrest High School
Dance Minh Anh Tran Western Springs College
Design Dana Alombro Botany Downs Secondary College
Drama Molly Tate Avondale College
Earth and Space Science Sara Yavari** Rangitoto College
Economics Daniel Johnston* Auckland Grammar School
English Sofia Drew Takapuna Grammar School
French Hannah Wilson** Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School
Geography Joanna Li* St Paul's Collegiate School
German Nanding Wang** Westlake Boys' High School
Health and Physical Education Michael Yao* Auckland Grammar School 
History Michael Yao* Auckland Grammar School
Japanese Yusef Elnahas Christ's College
Latin Brena Merz St Cuthbert's College
Media Studies Madison Brokenshire Papamoa College
Music Oliver Garner Westlake Boys' High School
Painting Yeyeon Kwak Epsom Girls' Grammar School
Photography Phoenix Mikaele Liston College
Physics  Michael Lin* Hamilton Boys' High School
Printmaking Jonathan Dransfield Wellington High School
Samoan Pouvi Iakopo De La Salle College 
Sculpture Nyle Turuwhenua** Pukekohe High School
Spanish Andrew Yu King's College
Statistics Ashley Huddart** Rangitoto College
Te Reo Māori Hineawa Hohepa-Gardiner Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Koutu
Te Reo Rangatira Te Arikirangi Paekau Ngā Taiātea Wharekura
Technology Tom Edwards** St Andrew's College

* The asterisk beside names are also Outstanding Scholar Award winners

** The double asterisk beside names are also Premier Award winners

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