Discretionary entry appeal process

Information for students and universities about discretionary entry appeals

Information for applicants

If you have been declined by a New Zealand university for entry to a course of study under the discretionary or ad eundem statum entry regulations, you have the right to lodge an appeal with NZQA.

Where to send your appeal

The appeal should be addressed to:

Chief Executive
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 
PO Box 160
Wellington 6140

Email: grant.klinkum@nzqa.govt.nz

What you should include

Please include the following information:

  • your full name
  • your address, email and phone number
  • the university you applied to enter
  • a copy of the letter declining entry
  • a statement outlining the reasons for your appeal.

What NZQA does with your appeal

On receiving your appeal, we request your application file from the university.

The appeal process examines the evidence used by the university to make their decision, to determine whether the decision was consistent with the university’s regulations for discretionary or entrance ad eundem statum.

NZQA will consult on a draft decision with you and take your feedback into account before informing you by letter of the Chief Executive’s final decision regarding your appeal.

To ensure any successful appeals can meet each university’s final enrolment dates, timelines for the receipt of an appeal and for final decisions to be made have been set out in the table at the bottom of this page.

Information for universities

Please advise potential appeals applicants of the location of this link, or of the appeals information it contains.

Please note that any applications for an appeal against the decision to grant discretionary or entrance ad eundem statum should be forwarded to the Chief Executive’s Office at NZQA as soon as possible.

See below for the recommended appeal dates for prospective student enrolment in each semester.

What you need to send to NZQA

To process an appeal, we require a copy of the applicant’s enrolment file which should contain the following information:

  • student's personal details
  • academic record to date – results from secondary education and any other study results of any recognition of prior learning assessment (if applicable)
  • recommendation of authorised faculty member
  • comments from the student liaison officer
  • phone number and email contact for the most appropriate university contact

Original files returned

If original files are sent to us, they will be returned by courier. If a copy of a file is sent, it will not be returned, but will be held and disposed of in accordance with NZQA’s Public Records Act obligations.

Recommended appeal dates

Recommended appeal dates for prospective student enrolment in semester 2 in 2025

Semester Two 2025

University NZQA must receive appeal by Appeal completed by
Auckland (external link) 21 July 1 August
AUT 21 July 1 August
Canterbury 14 July 25 July
Lincoln 14 July 25 July
Massey 14 July 25 July
Otago 15 July 25 July
Victoria 7 July 18 July
Waikato 7 July 18 July

Contact for further information

For any queries about the appeal process, please contact:

Keri-Anne Stephens
Manager, Ngā Poutoko Aromatawai Māori
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
PO Box 160 
Wellington 6140

Telephone (04) 463 3127 or 0800 697 296

Email: kerianne.stephens@nzqa.govt.nz

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