Vocational Pathways

A Vocational Pathways award can help you move from NCEA Level 2 to work

The Vocational Pathways divide the working world into 6 broad sectors which are linked to standards and qualifications. They can help you to see how your strengths, interests and achievements relate to future study options and job opportunities.

Vocational Pathways provide clear study options that are valued by employers and show you what employers expect you to achieve in your learning.

The 6 pathways are:


Read more about Vocational Pathways (external link)

Vocational Pathways Profile

Your Vocational Pathways Profile is pictured as a graphic that shows your achievement towards each of the six Vocational Pathways. When you access your learner login, you can see your progress and identify where you need to raise your level of achievement.

You can also use the Profile Builder to plan your Vocational Pathway.

Explore the Profile Builder (external link)

The Vocational Pathways award

To receive a Vocational Pathways Award, you need:

  • NCEA Level 2
  • 60 credits from the recommended assessment standards for a Vocational Pathway. Of these, 20 credits must be from sector-related standards for the same sector.

You can achieve more than one Vocational Pathways Award if you complete the requirements for more than one Vocational Pathway.

Vocational Pathways Awards will appear on your Record of Achievement. This can be an advantage when you look for work or training opportunities in the sector highlighted in your award or awards.

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