Te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa

About the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF)

Learn about the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework, including its history, structure and NZQA's role

About the framework

The New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) is at the centre of New Zealand’s education and training system. 

All secondary and tertiary qualifications and credentials approved by NZQA or Universities New Zealand are listed on the NZQCF, and come with an assurance of quality that is recognised and trusted worldwide.

The NZQCF includes information about qualifications and credentials, including qualification types and levels.

It helps individuals and organisations understand the level of skill and knowledge someone with a qualification or credential has. It makes it easier for countries and regions to compare qualifications.

The framework is also important for recognising and helping to advance Mātauranga Māori.

More information

History of the framework

What NZQA does

NZQA maintains the NZQCF and sets the rules that ensure the quality of qualifications and credentials listed on the framework.

These rules apply to schools, kura and tertiary education providers such as universities, Te Pūkenga, private training establishments and wānanga.

The Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) at Universities New Zealand approves university qualifications.

CUAP on the Universities New Zealand website (external link)

Structure of the NZQCF

The NZQCF is divided into 10 levels. Each level describes what a graduate is expected to know, understand and be able to do.

Skill and knowledge levels in qualifications and credentials increase from Level 1 to Level 10:

Level Qualifications Credentials
1 Certificate Micro-credential
2 Certificate Micro-credential
3 Certificate Micro-credential

4 Certificate Micro-credential
5 Certificate

6 Certificate

7 Diploma

Bachelor's Degree

Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma
8 Bachelor Honours Degree

Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma
9 Master's Degree Micro-credential
10  Doctoral Degree Micro-credential

Read the level descriptors:

Level descriptors for the NZQCF

Read about each qualification type:

About qualifications and credentials

NZQF brochure

This document includes level descriptors for the 10 levels of the framework and definitions for each qualification type.

We're in the process of updating this document to reflect the inclusion of micro-credentials. Until a new document is published, the NZQF document can be read as being the NZQCF. All information, including level descriptors and qualification type definitions, applies.

View the New Zealand Qualifications Framework brochure [PDF, 606 KB]

More information about qualifications and credentials

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