Achieving qualifications and credentials

Learn how you can achieve qualifications and credentials on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF)

Qualifications and credentials are formal certifications. They show that you have achieved a set of learning outcomes to a set standard.

You can achieve qualifications and credentials in many different settings, such as at work, online, or by attending classes at school or with a tertiary training provider.

Related information

Types of education providers in New Zealand

Qualifications and credentials at secondary school

Secondary school and kura are also known as high school or college.

At secondary school, you usually work towards NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement), which covers Levels 1 to 3 on the NZQCF.

You can also combine NCEA study with achieving standards towards New Zealand Certificates or micro-credentials.

More information

About NCEA

Understanding secondary qualifications and awards

Tertiary education

Tertiary education is learning after secondary school. It is also known as higher or vocational education.

Tertiary qualifications and credentials cover Levels 1 to 10 on the NZQCF.

You can choose from many study and training options, such as apprenticeships, work-based training, academic study, short courses or longer qualifications.

Tertiary education providers include universities, Te Pūkenga, wānanga and private training establishments.

Your Record of Achievement

When you complete any qualification or credential on the NZQCF, you'll get a certificate of achievement from your education provider.

Your qualification or micro-credential is also added to your New Zealand Record of Achievement (NZRoA).

Learn more

Search for qualifications and credentials

You can use our searches to find qualifications and credentials by topic or type:

Search for qualifications on the NZQCF (external link)

Search for a micro-credential (external link)