Te Whakangungu Pakeke

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About these qualifications

In January 2021, Te Pokaitahi o te Mātauranga me te Whakangungu Pakeke (Kaupae 5 and 6) qualifications were discontinued.

Completed reviews

January 2021 - Review of Adult Teaching and Adult Education (Māori) qualifications

Read details of the review in the report:

Change report for the review of Adult Teaching and Adult Education (Māori) New Zealand Qualifications (external link)

January 2016 - Review of Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu qualifications

Read details of the review in the report:

Change report for the review of the review of Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu qualifications [PDF, 251 KB]

November 2009 - Review of Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu qualifications

Read details of the review in the report:

Change report for the review of Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu qualifications (external link)


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