Tertiary providers can apply to offer their learners NCEA Level 2 aligned with a Vocational Pathway. Learners can then earn the Vocational Pathways award.
Vocational Pathways include assessment standards (unit and achievement standards) and skill standards recognised by the relevant industry or sector as useful for employees in that field.
On this page

The Vocational Pathways sectors
- Social and Community Services
- Construction and Infrastructure
- Manufacturing and Technology
- Primary Industries
- Service Industries
- Creative Industries.
Find more information about each pathway (external link)
Vocational Pathways award eligibility
Applications for NCEA Level 2 aligned to a vocational pathway must meet the requirements for the Vocational Pathways award.
Find out more about the Vocational Pathways award (external link)
NCEA has changed
From 2024, there’s a 20-credit Literacy and Numeracy co-requisite requirement. This change may affect how you assess Literacy and Numeracy as part of NCEA Level 2 aligned with a Vocational Pathway.
Developing your application
When developing a Vocational Pathway aligned application consider:
- who the pathway is targeting
- who is eligible to enrol in the Vocational Pathway aligned programme
- how the pathway will be delivered
- how learners will be assessed
- how components of the learning and assessment will be integrated
- what educational and employment pathways will be available to learners after completion.
Submitting your application
You can submit your application online in the providers portal.
Log in to the providers portal (external link)
- Log in to the portal.
- Choose 'TEO Applications'.
- Create an application.
- Scroll down to 'Other' and click open.
- Enter ‘Vocational Pathway’ in the title of the application.
- Complete the information about your organisation. The contact details page will be prepopulated with your organisation’s contact details. Make any changes necessary to ensure the details are appropriate for the application.
- Enter the description of the application and upload all supporting evidence in PDF format.
- Submit your application.
Supporting evidence
You must include:
- an NCEA with a Vocational Pathway application form
- profile builder (one for each Vocational Pathway in the application).
NCEA with a Vocational Pathway application form [DOC, 153 KB]
Profile builder tool (external link)
Other supporting evidence may include:
- timetables
- staff details, for example CVs
- off-site or workplace delivery documents
- evidence of current resources
- student handbook.