Micro-credential listing, approval, and accreditation

Information about applying for listing, approval, and accreditation of NZQCF micro-credentials

About micro-credentials

Micro-credentials are small, stand-alone awards with set learning outcomes. They're part of Aotearoa’s education and training system.

Micro-credentials recognise learners' skills, experience or knowledge, while meeting demand from employers, industry and communities.

Micro-credentials that we've quality assured are:

  • listed on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF)
  • 1 to 40 credits in size
  • taught at all levels of the NZQCF
  • delivered by accredited education providers
  • developed because there's evidence they're needed.

The micro-credential rules

Qualification and Micro-credential Listing and Operational Rules 2022

Micro-credential Approval and Accreditation Rules 2022

Guidelines for micro-credential listing, approval and accreditation

Before you apply, make sure you read the guidelines.

These guidelines tell you what NZQA rules apply, what information you need to provide and how we evaluate your application.

Go to the guidelines

Reviewing micro-credentials

Micro-credentials need to be reviewed regularly for currency, content and delivery.

All micro-credentials approved before 2023 have a 1-year review period. Micro-credentials listed after 2023 can have a 1, 2 or 3-year review period. 

Developers review a micro-credential, checking:

  • if there's still evidence of need
  • if any updates or adjustments are required.

Providers review their delivery of a micro-credential, checking:

  • learner outcomes
  • their capability to deliver the micro-credential.

Submit a review report for micro-credentials and former training schemes

Reviews of micro-credentials and former training schemes (approved before 2023 rules changes)

In January 2023, some NZQA rules changed following August 2022 changes to the Education and Training Act.

Micro-credentials and training schemes approved under previous rules must be reviewed so they meet the current rules.

From January 2025, we will review the following types of micro-credentials and former training schemes:

  • former training schemes delivered to domestic learners, except those that relate to basic first aid
  • former training schemes of less than 12 weeks duration delivered to international learners (people studying or training under student or working visas), except those that relate to English language tuition
  • micro-credentials that were not listed under the current rules.

We will request a review of former training schemes that aren’t covered in the initial review at a later date.

More information about the review

If your organisation has NZQA approval for a micro-credential, but you’re not sure if it was listed under the current NZQA rules, please email us:


Reporting achievement

Make sure you let us know when learners complete a micro-credential. We'll list it on their New Zealand Record of Achievement.

Go to the submitting results page

Micro-credential equivalency with the NZQCF

You can ask NZQA to assess your micro-credential's equivalency with the NZQCF. After we assess your micro-credential, we provide you with a statement of equivalency.

This statement gives you valuable information you can share with your employees, stakeholders, or customers.

More information and how to apply

Micro-credential roles and responsibilites

Information about what you're responsible for as a developer, provider or quality assurer of micro-credentials listed on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework.

Micro-credential roles and responsibilities

Get more information or give the micro-credentials team feedback