Guidelines for programme approval and accreditation of New Zealand Certificates Levels 1-6 and New Zealand Diplomas Levels 5-7

Information for organisations seeking approval or accreditation for programmes leading to a NZ Certificate at Levels 1-6 or a NZ Diploma at Levels 5-7 on the NZQCF

About these guidelines

To gain approval and/or accreditation an application must meet the criteria in the Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022 and demonstrate quality in line with the key evaluation questions in these guidelines.

Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022

These guidelines address and explain each programme approval and programme accreditation criterion and offer guidance on the information and evidence to be included in an application. Sample templates are provided in the appendices in the Guidelines and here.

If you prefer you can download this guide as a PDF:

Guidelines for programme approval and accreditation of New Zealand Certificates Levels 1-6 and New Zealand Diplomas Levels 5-7 [PDF, 841 KB]


Section 452 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (The Act) gives the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) the authority to make rules for the quality assurance processes for which it is responsible.

Programme approval and accreditation is required under sections 439 and 441 of the Act. The Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022 govern the approval of programmes of study and accreditation for these programmes.

Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022

Related Rules

New Zealand Programmes

The Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022 also cover recognition of national curriculum as New Zealand Programmes. Guidelines for recognition of New Zealand Programmes are yet to be developed.

For more information go to:

Simplifying the design of vocational qualifications

Offshore delivery

Education organisations planning offshore delivery of an NZQA approved programme must meet the Offshore Programme Delivery Rules 2022.

Offshore Programme Delivery Rules 2022

Guidelines to the Offshore Delivery Programme Rules

Degree and related programmes

Education organisations planning delivery of programmes leading to degree and related qualifications should refer to the Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications.

Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications [PDF, 1.7 MB]


NZQA evaluates the programme against the criteria in Rule 4 of the Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022 and considers the application using the following key evaluation question:

How well does the programme design match the qualification outcomes and strategic purpose?

Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022

To be approved all of the following must apply:

  • The programme matches the strategic purpose and requirements of the qualification.
  • The programme is made up of learning outcomes structured in a coherent way to achieve the qualification outcomes and address the relevant needs of learners.
  • Good evidence the programme is acceptable to the relevant communities and key stakeholders.
  • No significant gaps or weaknesses in the application or evidence provided.

If any of the above are not evident the programme will not be approved.


NZQA evaluates the programme against the criteria in Rule 7 of the Programme Approval, Recognition, and Accreditation Rules 2022 and considers the application using the following key evaluation question:

To what extent does the education provider have the ongoing capability and resources to support sustained delivery of the approved programme?

Requirements for an organisation to be accredited

An education organisation will be accredited if all of the following applies. If there:

  • is good evidence the education organisation has the capability and resources to provide the programme.
  • is good evidence that the education organisation can manage the impacts of any specific programme requirements.
  • are formal arrangements with the programme approval holder where required.
  • are no significant gaps or weaknesses in the application or evidence provided.

An education organisation will not be accredited if any of the above are not evident.

Making changes to programmes

The need to make changes to an approved programme may arise from:

  • the programme review process
  • internal or external moderation
  • qualification review
  • EER
  • consistency reviews
  • monitoring and assessment and any other processes.

Changes are defined in the Rules as Type 1 or Type 2.

Agreements between organisations

The application process

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