Academic integrity and Artificial Intelligence

Information and resources for tertiary providers on academic integrity and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Academic integrity policies and AI

We expect tertiary education organisations to have a coherent assessment and moderation system across all programmes or micro-credentials they are accredited for.

Having an academic integrity policy helps prevent and manage academic misconduct. It also supports the credibility of learner credentials.

We encourage providers to:

  • work collaboratively with staff, learners and NZQA to uphold academic integrity
  • explain to learners the assessment requirements and their academic integrity responsibilities
  • use a range of assessment methods and practices to help prevent and detect cheating by learners and to validate achievement of learning outcomes
  • explain to learners how they respond to academic misconduct or cheating
  • explain to learners the importance of Māori data sovereignty and how this could be reflected in their research and study
  • support staff to understand how generative AI can be used in teaching, learning and assessment
  • regularly review the academic integrity policy to ensure it is up to date on the use of new technologies, such as generative AI.

Tertiary providers can use the recommended resources below to inform their policy and approach to academic integrity, including generative AI.

Academic Integrity Guidelines

The Academic Integrity Guidelines set out NZQA’s expectations of tertiary education organisations on academic integrity, including academic misconduct or cheating.

Go to the Guidelines

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