Consistency review reports

Find consistency review reports that we've published in recent years

We review the consistency of graduate outcomes across qualifications in Aotearoa. 

Consistency reviews are part of our quality assurance framework. They help us make sure that graduates of a qualification meet a national standard, and that New Zealand qualifications are trusted here and overseas.

After every consistency review, we publish a report. These reports are produced by independent reviewers and detail:

  • the qualification being reviewed
  • the tertiary education organisations (TEOs) delivering the qualification
  • whether the organisations' graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes (GPOs). 

Interim and final reports

Reports on this page are either interim or final.

Consistency review reports are interim for 3 months if any of the TEOs delivering the qualification under review receive a rating of 'not sufficient.' 

TEOs have an opportunity to provide additional evidence and receive a 'sufficient' rating for the final report.

Final reports are published 3 months after the consistency review date.

Consistency review reports by year

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