Next steps in the external evaluation and review (EER) process

Learn more about what happens when an EER is complete, including information about categories


When an EER report is published on the NZQA website, the TEO is assigned a new category.

The category is correlated with the two statements of confidence in the final EER report.

Find information about provider categories

Categories and next EER

If a TEO is Category 1 or 2, another EER will be scheduled within the following four years. As a rule, no particular date for the next EER will be set at this stage.

If a TEO is Category 3 or 4, NZQA will advise it promptly of the date for its next EER. For a Category 3 TEO, this date will occur 12 to 24 months after publication. For a Category 4 TEO, this date will occur 6 to 12 months after publication.


Every TEO receives NZQA sanctions or incentives as a result of its category. For Category 1 and 2 TEOs there are incentives. For Category 3 and 4 TEOs there are sanctions.

In addition to any sanctions imposed, Category 3 and 4 TEOs will be asked to develop an improvement plan. This plan must be sent to NZQA.

NZQA does not usually approve the content of a TEO’s Improvement Plan. NZQA will, however, often monitor progress against the plan whenever there are measurable process, resource or compliance gaps.

Some other Crown agencies use the TEO categories in their own decision-making. Immigration New Zealand, for example, will not issue student visas on behalf of a Category 4 TEO.

TEOs should contact relevant agencies directly for current advice on the impact, if any, of their category status.


NZQA is open to any constructive feedback on our performance as regulators.

When a TEO is sent the final draft of its EER report, the TEO is invited to complete a questionnaire on its experience of the EER process.

All questionnaires returned to NZQA will be reviewed by the Manager, Evaluation. All feedback will be shared with the relevant staff, unless the TEO has marked its comments as confidential.

In addition, NZQA invites the ongoing thoughts of all stakeholders in the EER process. TEO concerns, questions and suggestions can be formally raised through peak bodies, which meet regularly with NZQA.

Or a stakeholder may choose to approach the Manager, Evaluation directly at any time.

Whichever route you choose, NZQA guarantees that your feedback will be respectfully received and carefully considered.

Some of the best enhancements within EER have arisen from TEO advice. We trust this positive trend will continue.

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