Sanctions for category 4 providers

What you can expect as a category 4 provider after external evaluation and review

Frequency of EERs

Category 4 tertiary education organisations (TEOs) will have a new external evaluation and review (EER) within 6 to 12 months of the previous EER report being published.

Enrolling new students

Category 4 TEOs cannot enrol domestic students or international students, even if they are a signatory to the Code of Practice.

The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021

Making new applications

NZQA will not normally grant a category 4 TEO new approvals.

The TEO cannot apply for offshore programme delivery.

Delivery sites

Category 4 TEOs need to apply to NZQA for permanent delivery sites and notify NZQA of any temporary delivery sites.

Adding permanent delivery sites

If a category 4 TEO wants to add a new permanent delivery site, they need to apply to NZQA and get our approval before using the site.

Include a completed Site Attestation form in the application.

Site Attestation form [DOCX, 77 KB]

Email us your form

Adding temporary delivery sites

Category 4 TEOs need to notify NZQA before they use a temporary delivery site.

They need systems to make sure the temporary site is suitable for teaching and meets all legal and health and safety requirements.

See the approval of delivery sites page for what to include in this notification and when a temporary site becomes a permanent one.

Tell us you want to use a temporary delivery site

Approval of delivery sites

Assessment and moderation of student work

Category 4 TEOs have restrictions on assessing and moderating their students’ work.

Within 6 weeks of the relevant EER report being published, the category 4 TEO must appoint a category 1 or 2 TEO to:

  • carry out pre-assessment moderation of all assessment materials the TEO uses to assess students, before those materials are used for assessing students; and
  • either carry out the assessment and moderation of all student work or verify the category 4 TEO’s assessment and moderation of all student work.

The appointed category 1 or 2 TEO must have relevant experience in assessing the types of study the category 4 TEO provides.

Frequency of financial attestations for PTEs

Category 4 TEOs need to submit an Independent Assurance Practitioner’s Review Report or Auditor’s Report every year.

Independent Assurance Practitioner’s Review Reports and Auditor’s Reports

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