Submitting results and awarding qualifications and micro-credentials

Education providers must report information to NZQA so we can update learners' records

Submitting results

You should submit learner results online in the providers portal.

Log in to the providers portal (external link)

Reporting achievement

Accredited providers can report the award of New Zealand qualifications and micro-credentials via the providers portal.

In the portal, select 'Submit Data' then 'Report Qualification or Micro-credential Completion'.

For each learner you'll need to provide:

  • their National Student Number
  • date of achievement
  • the name of the micro-credential or New Zealand qualification achieved.

More information

Register of NZQA-approved micro-credentials (external link)

New Zealand Records of Achievement

Issuing qualification and micro-credential certificates

Providers can award and issue certificates for micro-credentials and New Zealand qualifications listed at Levels 1 to 6 on the New Zealand Qualification and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).

More information

Issuing New Zealand qualification and micro-credential certificates 

Questions? Contact the data management and learner records team