Consultation on Whānau Ora Qualifications Review

Closed 30 November 2024

NZQA Māori Qualifications Services (MQS) invites feedback on the review of the suite of Whānau Ora qualifications at Levels 3, 4 and 5.

As the qualification developer, we want to ensure the qualifications listed below remain useful, relevant, achievable and valuable to current and future learners, employers, whānau, hapū, iwi and other stakeholders.

  • New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Level 3), Ref 2877, 60 credits | Te Pōkaitahi Whānau Ora (Kaupae 3)
  • New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Level 4), Ref 2878, 60 credits | Te Pōkaitahi Whānau Ora (Kaupae 4)
  • New Zealand Diploma in Whānau Ora (Level 5), Ref 2879, 120 credits | Te Pōkairua Whānau Ora (Kaupae 5)

We welcome your questions and feedback

We invite you to provide feedback on the proposed changes.

The consultation for the proposed qualifications is open until 30 November 2024.

Please send your feedback to:

Whānau Ora – summary of changes

Read a summary of the changes:

Summary of changes to the reviewed Whanau Ora qualifications Ref 2877, 2878, and 2879 [PDF, 293 KB]

Current qualifications and proposed changes

Qual ID 2877

Level 3, 60 credits


New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Level 3) (external link)

Proposed draft:

2877 Whānau Ora Level 3 [DOCX, 80 KB]

Qual ID 2878

Level 4, 60 credits


New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Level 4) (external link)

Proposed draft:

2878 Whānau Ora Level 4 [DOCX, 80 KB]

Qual ID 2879

Level 5, 120 credits


New Zealand Diploma in Whānau Ora (Level 5) (external link)

Proposed draft:

2879 Whānau Ora Level 5 [DOCX, 79 KB]

What's next?

Once the public consultation ends, we will make final adjustments to the qualification documents before submitting the qualifications for evaluation to Quality Assurance Māori, NZQA.