October 2023 Code News for PTEs and Wānanga

In this edition of Code News:

  • 2023 Code self-review and attestation reminder
  • Student association hui
  • Disabled learners’ experience in tertiary education
  • New Code enquiry form

2023 Code self-review and attestations

The 2023 Code self-review attestation links were sent to all registered PTEs and Wānanga on 18 September 2023. Links were sent via email to the CE or their nominated delegate.

If your organisation has not yet received the link, please email code.enquiries@nzqa.govt.nz as soon as possible so a member of the team can support you.  

The attestation due date is 1 November 2023 for PTEs and Wānanga. 

A reminder that to submit your self-review attestation, you need to: 

  • complete a thorough self-review of your performance for the year against the relevant Code outcomes
  • publish a copy of your self-review report on your website
  • provide your organisation’s definition of a complaint and critical incident and include 2022 complaint and critical incident data in your published self-review report
    Guidance on complaint and critical incident data reporting [PDF, 336 KB] 

We will follow up with providers if there is missing or incomplete information in the self-review attestation.

Resources on the self-review and attestation process

Student association hui

A focus across NZQA is ensuring that learners and our customers are at the centre of the work we do.

In September, NZQA hosted a workshop with representatives from the national students associations: National Union of Students Associations (NZUSA), Te Mana Ākonga, New Zealand International Students’ Association (NZISA) and National Disabled Students’ Association (NDSA).

The session was held over half a day, covering important topics such as: 

  • the implementation of the Code of Pastoral Care across the tertiary sector, and its on-going importance in protecting learner wellbeing
  • how we plan to incorporate customer and learner voice in redeveloping the Quality Assurance Framework, and
  • transitions between secondary and tertiary education. 

Student Association representatives contributed their insights into learners’ needs and difficulties.  This helped to bring perspective to the agenda topics, such as the methods NZQA could use to meaningfully engage with learners. 

Disabled learners’ experience in tertiary education

The National Disabled Students’ Association (NDSA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, NZQA and TEC has published a literature review on the experiences of disabled learners in tertiary education.

This literature review, alongside an online survey and focus groups conducted this year, is part of an inter-agency project that aims to highlight the experiences of disabled learners in tertiary education in Aotearoa, New Zealand. The questions for the survey and focus groups focused on the lived experience of disabled learners, as reported and told by learners themselves.  

Email NDSA

New Code enquiry form

NZQA has launched a new online Code enquiry form for providers. This form also links to further information on our website based on the topic of your enquiry.

Go to the online enquiry form