Key dates and information
Please refer to the online version of the Key Dates to ensure you have access to the most up to date information.
Go to Key dates for secondary assessment
1 February | Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) – Rollover/Change process opens. 2024 Assessment (including Exams) Rules for Schools with Consent to Assess published on NZQA website |
13 February | Submission instructions published on the NZQA website for Kete Manarua due 19 June |
21 February | Deadline for 2023 NCEA external assessment reviews and reconsiderations |
29 February | Provider access to late internally assessed results closes |
22 March | Candidate information sheets (for candidates entering externals) sent to schools |
25 March | Data file submission opens (schools can upload entry and result data files to NZQA from this date) |
1 April | Data file submissions for entries into Literacy and Numeracy, Te Reo Matatini me Te Pāngarau assessment event 1 due |
On this page
School Relationship Managers' update
Our team at NZQA wish you all the very best for 2024. We look forward to working with you over the year ahead.
To those returning to the role of Principal’s Nominee, welcome back.
To those taking on the role, it is good to have you on-board.
Back row
Marion Harvey, Oliver Alini, Jane Griffin (on screen), Alice Wards, Andrew Macklin, Nichola Coe, Paul Smith
Front row
Wikitoria Osborne, Stephen Tisch, Frank Moran, Karen Eder, Amanda Picken (Manager), Penny Kinsella, Geoff Meadows, Craig Fransen
Gabe Sorensen, Jackie Power, Matehaere Clarke, Noema Kake, Robyn Thompson.
General administration and data
Principal’s Nominee support
The Principal’s Nominee Handbook has been developed to support new and returning Principal’s Nominees.
Download the Principal's Nominee handbook [DOCX, 3.7 MB]
Update your contact information
Please ensure that your school’s key personnel details are updated.
This contact information is found on your Provider login at School’s Administration/Profile.
Third Party Consent – Sub-contracting
Schools should review any sub-contracting arrangements they have in place with an unconsented provider to assess the expired Level 1 achievement standards.
If you wish to replace the expired standards with the new ones, you will need to update your arrangement.
Please email us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your sub-contracting arrangement.
Assessment Rules published
The NZQA Assessment Rules for Schools, TEOs assessing against Achievement Standards and NCEA Co-requisite Standards, and Candidates 2024 are now available on the NZQA website.
Go to the 2024 Assessment Rules
Data submissions for schools using NZQA’s new web entries application
Schools using NZQA’s new web entries application will be contacted by email to advise when 2024 academic year data entries can start being made.
May assessments for Literacy and Numeracy
We are currently working towards delivering the first co-requisite (literacy/numeracy) assessments for the year, to be held in May.
As you will be aware, this year you have a two-week window to administer the assessments. There is, however, a possible Accord Day in the second week, depending on your school's arrangements.
To help us with our planning, and to manage the potential high numbers using the assessment platform, your School Relationship Manager will be in touch over the next couple of weeks, to discuss your possible intentions.
We appreciate you working with us on this.
Guides to NCEA – for students and whānau
The Guide to NCEA – our booklet for students and whānau explaining how NCEA works - has been updated for 2024 to include the Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau co-requisite.
You can read or download copies from our website. You can also order printed copies of the Guide free of charge.
The updated Guide to NCEA will be available in the current range of languages: English, Te Reo Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Niuean, Cook Islands Māori, Fijian and Kiribati.
An updated version of the How NCEA Works video is expected to be released in March.
Go to NCEA resources and videos
Candidate Information Sheet written in Te Reo Māori
If you require the version written in Te Reo Māori of the Candidate Information Sheet please let your School Relationship Manager know approximate numbers by Friday 20 February.
Workshops and seminars
Leading National Assessment (LNA) Seminar
The purpose of the LNA seminar is to provide Principal’s Nominees and Senior Leaders with updated information on assessment for national qualifications and a forum for professional discussion and support.
We encourage you to bring another senior leader from your school or kura with you. Registrations in your region are now open.
Leading National Assessment Seminars run from 8.45am to 12.30pm.
Contact your SRM (School Relationship Manager) if you require any further information.
Teachers New to NCEA Workshops
These workshops are provided for teachers new to assessing for NCEA. They are ideal for teachers who are primary-trained, part-time, new to Aotearoa New Zealand, or who are returning to the sector after a break.
These workshops run from 1.30pm to 3pm. Contact your SRM (School Relationship Manager) if you require any further information.
For those unable to attend, we will also be providing online workshops. Dates and times for the online workshops will be sent to schools shortly.
NCEA me te Whānau 2024
Register to host an NCEA me te Whānau workshop for 2024.
Learn more about NCEA me te Whānau workshops
Register for an NCEA me te Whānau workshop in 2024 (external link)
2023 NCEA statistics
Principal’s Report
The Principal’s Report is available through the High Security Features/Principal’s Report link.
Statistical data is available via the Statistics link.
Data is not dynamic and will be refreshed as follows:
- Data cut 3 March
- Update Release 13 March
- Data cut 3 April
- Update Release 28 April
NCEA results for students
Reminder for students - accessing NCEA and NZ Scholarship end of year exams and portfolios
Students who sat an NCEA or NZ Scholarship exam can view their assessed exam scripts online using their MyNZQA learner account until the end of June.
External standards that were digitally submitted are visible via the MyNZQA learner account, External assessments, Digital submissions/Kete manarua.
Get more information on accessing marked exams online
NZQA has continued to physically mark Level 3 and NZ Scholarship Visual Arts portfolios and is returning the materials to students in the mail.
We have also continued to physically mark Design and Visual Communication portfolios and are returning the material to schools by courier.
Reporting 2023 internally assessed results amendments and additions
You can amend or add 2023 internally assessed results until 29 February 2024. Find instructions on how to do this in a Word document at the bottom of your Provider Login page.
If you need to add a result for a standard for which you do not already have entries, please contact your NZQA Learner Records Advisor ( or your School Relationship Manager.
Once your file has one entry for a standard, you will be able to report further results.
New Zealand Record of Achievement (NZRoA)
The NZRoA updated with 2023 results is available in electronic format, or it can be ordered in hard copy, through the Student Login.
Students are entitled to one hard copy free of charge, with further copies costing $15.30 each.
Reviews and reconsiderations
Cut scores and assessment schedules
Find where to download the cut scores
Assessment schedules are found on individual subject pages.
These may help students in their decision about whether to request a Review or Reconsideration.
Review and Reconsideration details for 2023 external examination and portfolio results
Go to review and reconsideration for NCEA examination results and portfolios
Go to review and reconsideration for Scholarship examination results
Reconsideration application fee waiver
NZQA will waive the fee for students who meet the income criteria and apply for a reconsideration of an NCEA or New Zealand Scholarship result.
Reconsideration fees will also be waived for any of the 2023 pilot standards.
Support for Kaiako/Teachers
Publication of assessment activities, assessment schedules, student/ākonga exemplars, and assessment reports
The 2023 past assessments materials are now published on the website and the school portal for any assessments that contain copyright material.
Go to Find past digital assessments (external link)
NCEA Level 1 support material
The Ministry of Education (MoE) have developed resources to support the implementation of NCEA Level 1. These are available on the MoE NCEA website.
Go to (external link)
The resources include:
- Subject learning outcomes for New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) subjects
- Ngā Putanga Ako for Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) wāhanga ako
- A teachers/kaiako guide
- Subject-specific NZC workshops for teachers/kaiako
- TMoA wāhanga ako workshops for teachers/kaiako
- Resources from pilot schools
- Exemplars for NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards.
Guidance on the acceptable use of Artificial Intelligence
NZQA has published a new webpage with helpful information for kura and schools on Artificial Intelligence (AI), and when its use is acceptable in assessment.
Guidance on the acceptable use of Artificial Intelligence
Authenticity online module
There is an online learning module on authenticity Tāku Reo, Tāku Mahi - My Voice, My Work available on Pūtake, the NZQA learning management system. This can be found in the Short Courses category.
It includes strategies to address AI evidence.
The aim of this module is to emphasise the importance of students submitting their own work for assessments and acknowledging sources of other materials. It includes what is appropriate when providing advice and guidance to students.
Education Sector Login
The beginning of the year is a good time to review the applications associated with staff members’ Education Sector Logon.
Find out more about the logon with support for Delegated Authorisers (external link)
School Applications that use ESL include:
- Communities of Learning| Kahuī Ako - Curriculum Tool
- Creatives in schools
- e-asTTle - Assessment Tool for Teaching and Learning
- ENROL - School Enrolment Register
- LNAAT - Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool
- Ngā Kete - TEC's new secure Portal
- NZQA Schools Extranet [Also used for NZQA External Moderation]
- NZQA - Pūtake
- PaCT - Progress and Consistency Tool
- Professional Learning and Development Application (PLD)
- SDP - Secure Data Portal
- TWA - Te Waharoa Ararau
- Teaching Council - Hapori Matatū
- TEC Workspaces (Gateway Secondary Schools Use Only)
- Te Ahu o te Reo Māori - Whiria
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
2024 applications
New applications can be submitted for 2024. The first deadline for applications is the end of Term 1.
Any request to change SACs can be made during the rollover process if needed, even if these have previously been declined.
The link to process rollovers of 2023 applications can be found through your school’s provider login.
The optional notifications gateway for new Level 1 SAC applications is now available as a trial for 2024.
Find out more about the notifications gateway
Help with the online applications process can be found in the:
SAC online tool guide [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Transferring SAC students to or from your school
If a 2023 SAC student has left your school and you know the name of their new school, please email the SAC team ( with the details of their new school so we can transfer their SAC application.
If you become aware that a newly enrolled student had SAC support at their previous school, please email the SAC team ( and provide their name, NSN and name of previous school, and we will transfer the application to your list.
If the SAC application was a notification (including computer only notification), the application will be transferred to your draft SAC list. This enables you to determine the appropriateness of the SAC provided and to resubmit the application accordingly.
If the SAC application was assessed and approved by NZQA (and this will be for most 2023 applications) then the application with be transferred to your Submitted SAC list which is consistent with past practice.
SAC seminars
We are planning a number of online options. We will let you know when these are available.
Please email us if you have any questions or need support on SAC processes:
External moderation
Moderation plans will be available by the end of February. Schools no longer have moderation months.
The material submitted for moderation needs to be from the current year and should be submitted once the assessment process is completed (when internal moderation has been completed and results given to students for that standard).
PN checklist - Ngā māhi
The following checklist provides a quick reference of the actions associated with information in this email link.
Go to the Action items for Principal’s Nominee by calendar month
- Enter any amendments or additions to 2023 internal results online by 29 February.
- Use File Downloads from your Provider login to update your Student Management System with the latest Results and Consent files.
Contact information
- Update your school’s contact information in your Provider login.
- Review ESL access for teachers.
- Remove access for staff who have left your school.
- Prepare and submit new 2024 SAC applications.
- Begin the rollover process for 2023 applications.
- Email about SAC students to transfer.
- Update SAC contacts in school profile.