Foundation Skills skill standards approved – a milestone in education

The first set of Foundation Skills skill standards have been formally approved by NZQA and are to be published shortly.

Skill standards will eventually replace unit standards. They mark a significant step forward in education and skills development. The standards aim to provide a robust framework by setting clear and effective benchmarks to enhance the quality and consistency of foundational skills education.

A panel of experts representing the sector provided extensive work and invaluable insights to shape the new standards.

New guidelines for Type 1 and Type 2 programme changes

In consultation with standard-setting bodies, we have updated our guidelines for Type 1 and 2 changes to allow for more changes under Type 1.

Through the endorsement process, NZQA and the Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) have identified some Type 2 changes that should be considered Type 1. The main changes to note are:

  • qualification version change is no longer a mandatory Type 2 change
  • straightforward unit standard replacements as recommended by the standard-setting body are also no longer mandatory Type 2.

Rationale behind the change

The aim of the changes is to streamline the programme change process to make it easier to keep programmes current.

As standard-setting bodies, WDCs are well aware of changes to their qualifications and standards. If providers follow the review advice, in many cases the changes do not require endorsement.

New programme approval and accreditation guidelines

Type 2 changes require endorsement under Rule 16.2(a). The definitions of what comprises Type 2 is determined by NZQA and set out in guidelines. These have been updated with new definitions and examples:

Guidelines for programme approval and accreditation of New Zealand Certificates Levels 1-6 and New Zealand Diplomas Levels 5-7


There are no changes to the application process for Type 2 changes.

Type 1 change notifications continue to be free of charge and can be emailed to

You can now send NZQA a tracked change programme document with your Type 1 notification. NZQA will provide a new Approval Summary (R0482) on request.

Change reports

Check out the NZQA web page for qualifications and standards approvals. Every month NZQA reports on the approval of changes to:

  • qualifications listed on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF)
  • assessment and skill standards listed on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS).

Changes recorded may also include those to the field, sub-field or domain that assessment or skill standards are classified under on the DASS; as well as the Consent and Moderation Requirements applying to the standards.

For more information, see:

Change reports

To receive an email alert when change reports are published:

Subscribe to monthly change reports

Insights paper – embedding good practice

NZQA has a programme of work focused on sharing good practice and bringing to life administrative data to support education system improvement.

As part of this programme, we met with some tertiary education providers to develop a community within which providers can reflect on their progress in embedding mātauranga Māori, and on improving their practice for their ākonga. 

One of the providers is the School of Audio Engineering, a private training establishment for the creative media industries. It offers courses at diploma and Bachelor’s levels, across music production, audio production, screen production and songwriting.

The PTE has embedded mātauranga Māori into various aspects of its learning culture.


Embedding mātauranga Māori within programmes

Watch this video:

He Muka Herenga Tangata - The SAE story

EER cost bands change

NZQA is adjusting the cost bands we provide to TEOs at the start of the EER process. The hourly rate which NZQA charges for evaluators’ time is not changing, but our changes reflect actual practice. This revision should enable TEOs to plan for EER expenses more accurately.

These changes follow a review which identified an increasing number of evaluations where actual costs exceeded the estimates. In addition to providing more accurate cost bands, the review also identified ways NZQA and TEOs can limit the costs of an EER, including TEOs providing only the information that is needed for the evaluation.

Details about the likely costs of an EER, and ways TEOs can best manage these, will continue to be provided at the start of each EER process.

Tertiary providers requesting the award of NCEA

How NCEA recognises skills and competency in literacy and numeracy has changed. From 2024, all learners need to achieve a 20-credit co-requisite specific to these skills to be awarded any level of NCEA. The co-requisite is a one-off requirement.

There are six dedicated te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy and numeracy standards.   Additional literacy and numeracy-rich standards can be used to achieve the NCEA co-requisite in 2024 and 2025 only, including a subset of standards with usage restrictions.

The subset of standards with usage restrictions includes the 266 series of standards (unit standards 26622, 26624 and 26625 for literacy) and (unit standards 26623, 26626 and 26627).

Tertiary students will still be able to use the 266 series in 2024 and 2025 to meet NCEA Literacy and Numeracy requirements. 

Manual request

Achievement of 266 series standards should be reported in the usual way via a tertiary batch.

If you consider a student is eligible for the award of NCEA – and they have used the 266 series to meet either their literacy or numeracy requirements (or both) – email a manual request to the DMLR mailbox ( The email should include the student’s NSN, full name and date of birth.

You will be invoiced with the usual fee of $15.30.

The manual process is required due to the complexity of the usage restrictions. 

Delivery options and queries

Regarding delivery options for the dedicated literacy and numeracy standards, email NZQA Literacy and Numeracy:

For more information about entries, results and the award of NCEA, email NZQA Data Management and Learner Records:

Approval of an additional delivery site for programmes at degree level or above

Graduate and postgraduate certificates, diplomas and degrees are accredited for delivery only at a specific delivery site or sites.

If you want to deliver a graduate or postgraduate programme or degree at an additional site, you will need to gain site accreditation.

If the proposed additional delivery site is new to NZQA, and you are a Category 1 or 2 provider:

  1. First, provide NZQA with a completed permanent delivery site attestation form for the new delivery site:
    Permanent delivery site attestation form
    Email the form to
  2. After completing the above, submit an ‘Other’ application via the NZQA portal. Add ‘site accreditation’ in the application title.

If the proposed delivery site is already an NZQA-recognised permanent delivery site for your institution, you only need to submit an ‘Other’ application via the NZQA portal. Add ‘site accreditation’ in the application title.

NZQA will evaluate the application against the programme accreditation criteria specified in Part 2 of the:

NZQCF Programme Approval, Recognition and Accreditation Rules 2022

NZQA may perform a physical or online site visit as a part of processing the application.

If you're unsure about the above steps, contacts us at: or

New guide to student complaints

Most learners in Aotearoa New Zealand have a good study experience, but sometimes issues can arise.

Raising issues early with the education provider gives students the best chance of working them out together. If the issue cannot be resolved, students can get help from a range of organisations.

The Learner guide to complaints provides guidance about how and where to raise complaints:

Learner guide to complaints (external link)


2024 Assuring consistency workshops

We are continuing to offer workshops on assuring the national consistency of graduate outcomes.

The links and dates are available at:

2024 Assuring consistency workshops

You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully registered.

If your preferred workshop is fully booked, you can register on the waitlist. Due to high demand, we ask that you only register for one workshop or waitlist.

Paying on time

Failure to pay NZQA invoices on time could lead to an automatic lapse of registration and course closure for your students.

The lapse is not a discretionary decision and cannot be reversed later. You would need to re-apply for registration and accreditation before you could start delivering again.

If you have any questions about an NZQA invoice, please contact the issuer as soon as possible.

Change of ownership

PTEs preparing for a change of ownership need to make an application to NZQA at least 30 working days before a proposed settlement or transaction takes place.

The application form also advises PTEs to inform the Tertiary Education Commission, StudyLink, Immigration NZ and Public Trust, where relevant. This should also be done no less than 30 working days before the sale date.

For more information, see:

Change of ownership

Unfunded international providers data submission

PTEs that enrol international students need to submit their international student enrolment and provider data to the Ministry of Education. This data is used to calculate payments for the Export Education Levy. PTEs make the payments three times a year.

If you are an unfunded PTE enrolling international students, visit the Ministry’s website for more information:

Paying the export education levy – non-funded PTEs (external link)

Student Fee Protection arrangements

If you are a PTE, we recommend that you review your student fee protection arrangements to make sure they still fit your needs and the requirements in the Student Fee Protection Rules.

Things to check include:

  • Are your courses (still) exempt (i.e. under $500)?
  • Have you got approval for the mechanism you are using?
  • Do you want to change your mechanism?
  • Do you want to change your trustee?

If you want to change your arrangement, read through our student fee protection pages:

Student fee protection information for PTEs

You can also email us at to discuss further.

NZQA processes

TEO issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credentials achievement certificates

Specifications for the format of certificates for qualifications and micro-credentials can be found at:

TEO issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credential achievement certificates

If you need copies of the NZQCF logos referred to, contact our Client Services team at

Lapse of programme or micro-credential accreditation

If a programme or micro-credential has not been delivered for 12 months or more, the provider’s programme accreditation will lapse.

You can apply for an extension to programme accreditation or micro-credential approval before the date of any lapse by emailing

If your organisation already has approved micro-credentials, you will continue to hold approval for these. Existing micro-credentials are being aligned with the new rules.

Guidelines for micro-credentials

Keeping your PTE registration status current

Where your organisation has accreditation for only one programme or approved micro-credential, and it is not delivered for 12 months of more, the organisation’s registration will lapse.

To avoid this, you can apply for an extension of time to stop your programme or micro-credential from lapsing. This also prevents your registration from lapsing. Apply for this extension before the 12 months of non-usage ends by emailing

For more information about PTE registration see:

Coming up this quarter

Send NZQA your... Who? By when?
Annual Registration Fee Return Form All registered PTEs and wānanga 30 June 2024

Annual declarations

Different forms for PTEs and TEIs

Providers with a financial year-end of 31 March 2024 31 August 2024
Independent Assurance Practitioner's Review Report or Auditor's Report PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 March 2024 31 August 2024
Audit of Student Fee Protection arrangements

PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 March 2024

Providers not exempt

31 August 2024

Quarterly student fee protection attestation

Quarter ending 31 August 2024

Providers not exempt:
- static trusts
- bank bond trusts

Not required for standard trusts

To trustee by 6 September 2024

To NZQA by 14 September 2024

Fit and Proper Person and Conflict of Interest declarations

Submit a new or amended declaration:
- before any new governing member starts
- if an existing governing member has a new or changed conflict of interest
- if an existing governing member has a change in their fit and proper person status

For the definition of governing member, see:

Section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link)

PTEs only:
- applying for registration
- registered PTEs
As needed

Forwarding information and queries

Forward the above documents and any queries to

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