Submitting applications to NZQA for delivery in 2025

To help with your planning and processes for internal quality assurance, below are the cut-off dates for submitting applications for programmes of study you want to deliver in 2025.


You can submit degree applications to NZQA at any time. Informing your Approvals and Accreditations (A&A) contact 3 months before submitting the application will help us meet your timelines.

If you want new degree approvals, accreditations or Type 2 changes to existing degrees ready for Semester One 2025, please submit the application before 1 July 2024.

Level 7 Diplomas

Talk to your A&A contact for guidance before developing a new, or revising an existing Level 7 Diploma.

Programmes of study at levels 1 to 6

You can submit applications at any time.

If you want to be ready for Semester One 2025, please submit your application before 4 October 2024 for:

  • new approvals or accreditations for programmes of study at levels 1 to 6

• Type 2 changes to existing level 1 to 6 programmes.

Call or email your A&A contact if you need more information.

First WDC-developed skill standards released

NZQA has approved the first skill standards developed by Workforce Development Councils (WDCs). The approval will be published on the NZQA website:

Qualification and standards approvals

Skill standards not only set the level of performance, but also include indicative content identifying some or all skills delivered in the training. Over time, skill standards will replace unit standards on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS).

More information on skill standards will be made available as WDCs develop them further.

New MyNZQA tertiary portal now live

We are upgrading the MyNZQA tertiary portal to provide better navigation and more information about each function.

The left-hand navigation bar features links to frequently used functions. The aim is to create a responsive, user-friendly platform that is accessible for everyone.

The portal will remain the gateway to information about your organisation’s applications, programmes and quality assurance activities.

You can access the upgraded portal from the main NZQA log in page (click on the provider log in tile).

Log in to NZQA

Fully funded cyber security e-learning, sign-ups closing 15 March

Phishing is one of the most common scams organisations can fall victim to.

You can boost your cyber security smarts and strength with Phriendly Phishing education.

Phriendly Phishing (external link)

The opportunity is fully funded for 2 years for private training establishments (PTEs), by the Cyber Security for the Tertiary Sector (CSTS) initiative.

CSTS is run by the Tertiary Education Commission with support from NZQA and the Ministry of Education.

Phriendly Phishing is a fully digital, automated training and phishing simulation platform. It uses simple content to make learning memorable and enjoyable.

Sign up as a PTE (external link)

Sign-ups close at 5 pm, 15 March 2024.

More about CSTS and additional resources (external link)

Get regular updates about CSTS including news, opportunities and top tips (external link)

NCEA Change Programme 2024 implementation

As part of the NCEA Change Programme, the Ministry of Education has reviewed the National Certificate of Educational Achievements (NCEA) qualifications and associated Level 1 standards.

This includes new and expiring Level 1 achievement standards, and the NCEA co-requisite Literacy and Numeracy and Te Reo Matatini and Pāngarau unit standards.

If your organisation delivers NCEA, Vocational Pathways or Foundation programmes that include literacy and numeracy, this information may inform programme development required to mitigate any impact on current delivery.

The reviewed qualifications and standards are available at:

Qualifications and standards approvals (external link)

More information

More information can be found on the Ministry of Education website. The Ministry also publishes regular NCEA updates to support the 2024 implementation.

What is the NCEA Change Programme? (external link) -

Read the recent update and subscribe to NCEA updates (external link)

Archive of previous updates (external link)

Guidance available on 'stacking' micro-credentials

You can now include one or more approved standalone micro-credentials in a programme NZQA has formally recognised. This is called stacking.

Micro-credentials can form part of a programme leading to a qualification if the micro-credential aligns with and contributes to the qualification's outcomes.

NZQA approval is required to stack micro-credentials in a programme.

Stacking micro-credentials [PDF, 80 KB]

Online evaluation to continue

Online external evaluation and reviews (EERs) and other quality assurance activities have now become the default option for quality assurance of tertiary organisations.  

In-person EERs may still occur, but only by exception, and at NZQA’s discretion. For example, a provider may have serious connectivity problems, which would make online engagement difficult.

Assuring consistency schedule for 2024-25

The consistency review schedule for the financial year 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 will be available on the NZQA website from 1 April 2024.

Many qualifications are in their second cycle of consistency reviews. If you have had a review of a programme in the past, look at the consistency review report and the feedback for that programme. This is often a good starting point in preparing for future consistency reviews.

Consistency review schedule


2024 Assuring consistency workshops

We are continuing to offer workshops on assuring the national consistency of graduate outcomes. The links and dates are available at:

2024 Assuring consistency workshops

You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully registered.

If your preferred workshop is fully booked, you can register on the waitlist. Due to high demand, we ask that you only register for one workshop or waitlist.

For private training establishments

Paying on time

Failure to pay NZQA invoices on time could lead to an automatic lapse of registration and course closure for your students.

The lapse is not a discretionary decision and cannot be reversed later. You would need to reapply for registration and accreditation before you could start delivering again.

If you have any questions about an NZQA invoice, please contact the issuer as soon as possible.

Change of ownership

PTEs preparing for a change of ownership need to make an application to NZQA at least 30 working days before a proposed settlement or transaction takes place.

The application form also advises PTEs to inform the Tertiary Education Commission, StudyLink, Immigration NZ and Public Trust, where relevant. This should also be done no less than 30 working days before the sale date.

Information about change of ownership

Unfunded international providers data submission

PTEs that enrol international students need to submit their international student enrolment and provider data to the Ministry of Education. This data is used to calculate payments for the Export Education Levy. PTEs make the payments 3 times a year.

If you are an unfunded PTE enrolling international students, visit the Ministry’s website for more information:

Paying the Export Education Levy – non-funded PTEs (external link)

Student Fee Protection arrangements

If you are a PTE, we recommend that you review your student fee protection arrangements to make sure they still fit your needs and the requirements in the Student Fee Protection Rules.

Things to check include:

  • Are your courses (still) exempt (under $500)?
  • Have you got approval for the mechanism you are using?
  • Do you want to change your mechanism?
  • Do you want to change your trustee?

If you want to change your arrangement, read through our student fee protection pages and email us to discuss further: 

Student fee protection information for PTEs (external link) 

Keep up to date with qualifications and standards approvals

Check out the NZQA website to see monthly approvals for new and reviewed qualifications and standards registered on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF). 

The page includes a link to the monthly compilation of change reports for qualifications and standards. The link is updated on the second Tuesday of the month.

Qualifications and standards approvals (external link)

NZQA processes

TEO issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credentials achievement certificates

Specifications for the format of certificates for qualifications and micro-credentials can be found on the page below. 

Issuing New Zealand qualification and micro-credential achievement certificates

If you need copies of the NZQCF logos referred to, please contact our Client Services team at:

Lapse of programme or micro-credential accreditation

If a programme or micro-credential has not been delivered for 12 months or more, its accreditation will lapse.

You can apply for an extension to programme or micro-credential accreditation before the date of any lapse by emailing:

If your organisation already has approved micro-credentials, you will continue to hold approval for these. Existing micro-credentials are being aligned with the new rules.

Guidelines for micro-credentials (external link)

Keeping your PTE registration status current

Where your organisation has accreditation for only one programme or micro-credential, and it is not delivered in part or whole for 12 months or more, the organisation’s registration will lapse.

To avoid this, you can apply for an extension of time to stop your programme or micro-credential from lapsing. This also prevents your registration from lapsing. Apply for this extension before the 12 months of non-usage ends by emailing:

More information

Guidelines for applying for registration as a private training establishment

Guidelines for maintaining registration as a private training establishment

Coming up this quarter

Send NZQA your…


By when?

Annual declarations

Different forms for PTEs and TEIs

Providers with a financial year-end of 31 December 2023

31 May 2024

Independent Assurance Practitioner's Review Report or
Auditor's Report

PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2023

31 May 2024

Audit of Student Fee Protection arrangements

PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2023
Providers not exempt

31 May 2024

Quarterly student fee protection attestation

Quarter ending 31 May 2024

Providers not exempt:

  • static trusts
  • bank bond trusts
    Not required for standard trusts

To trustee by 7 June 2024
To NZQA by 14 June 2024

Fit and Proper Person and Conflict of Interest declarations

Submit a new or amended declaration:
- before any new governing member starts
- if an existing governing member has a new or changed conflict of interest
- if an existing governing member has a change in their fit and proper person status

See Section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) for the definition of governing member

PTEs only:

  • applying for registration
  • registered PTEs

As needed

Forwarding information and queries

Forward the above documents and any queries to

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