NZQA fees

Find out what NZQA charges for different services and products

The Board of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority charges the following fees under section 457 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (“the Act”).

Download the full list of NZQA fees:

NZQA fees [PDF, 619 KB]

Fees for services not listed below

Fees and disbursements payable for any other services are subject to negotiation.

They are generally based on $190 per hour (GST exclusive) or $218.50 per hour (GST inclusive).

Application fees

Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
Accreditation to provide an approved programme $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Change of Ownership $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Consent to assess $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Internal English Language Proficiency Test $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Micro-credential $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Programme approval $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Programme approval and accreditation $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Programme changes $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Registration of Private Training Establishments $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Site Approvals for EER Category 3 and 4 TEOs $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Subcontracting, all types $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Vocational Pathway $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Vocational Pathway changes $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
All other unspecified services $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour

Consistency fees

Fee GST exclusive GST inclusive
Qualifications at Levels 1 to 2 - full fee $12.17 per graduate $14.00 per graduate
Qualifications at Levels 3 to 6 - full fee $17.39 per graduate $20.00 per graduate
Qualifications at Levels 1 to 2 - reduced fee for graduates of programmes using at least 60% assessment standards $10.44 per graduate $12.00 per graduate
Qualifications at Levels 3 to 6 - reduced fee for graduates of programmes using at least 60% assessment standards $13.91 per graduate $16.00 per graduate

Quality assurance fees

Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
Fees for carrying out external evaluations and reviews (EERs) $190 per hour plus any relevant expenses $218.50 per hour plus any relevant expenses
Compliance visits and any necessary follow up $190 per hour $218.50 per hour
Additional moderation as a result of non-compliance $190 per hour $218.50 per hour
Quality Assurance Assessment Materials approval $960.00 $1,104.00


Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
All actual travel and accommodation expenses where applicable Actual charges Actual charges

Te Pūkenga fees

Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
Fees chargeable to Te Pūkenga and its subsidiaries for application services in accordance with Assumption 4 of NZQA's Statement of Service Commitment to the Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics Sector of New Zealand (dated 16 November 2010). Actual charges Actual charges

Other tertiary education fees

Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
Issue a certified statement of Advanced Vocational Award (AVA) certificate, depending on the number of levels  up to $22.26  up to $25.60
Issue a certified statement for a trade certificate $22.26 $25.60
Issue an academic transcript of results of Advanced Vocational Award $44.33 $51.10 
Issue of additional copies of learner record of achievement transcript by fax, PDF or email  $4.43  $5.10
Issue of additional copies of learner record of achievement transcript on official stationery  $13.30 $15.30
Issue of a reprint of a national certificate, national diploma, New Zealand Certificate, or New Zealand Diploma, including NCEA Levels 1, 2 or 3 for tertiary learners, where the certificate is not otherwise stated under 'Other Tertiary Education fees'  $13.30 $15.30
Reporting credits to NZQA for standards  $1.37 per credit $1.58 per credit
Verification fee for each National or New Zealand qualification request, including 'Not Complete' outcomes  $4.43 $5.10
Verification of qualifications from providers that are no longer operating  $13.30 $15.30
Verification of qualifications requested by third party  $22.26 $25.60
Degree panellist's fee per hour for each full hour (for an 8-hour day), for a maximum of 4 days $80  $92.00
Degree panel chair fee per hour for each full hour (for an 8-hour day), for a maximum of 5 days $120 $138
Travel and accomodation for panellists and panel chair  Organised by the applicant  
Degree panellists and panel chair travel time per hour (when distance is above 30 kilometres) $40 $46
New Zealand Diploma in Business fees    
Issue a reprint of the New Zealand Diploma in Business certificate $22.26 $25.60
Issue a transcript of a learner's New Zealand Diploma in Business results by fax, PDF or email  $4.43 $5.10
New Zealand Diploma in Business - resubmission of any prescription for national pre or post assessment external moderation  $126.00 per prescription $144.90 per prescription
Reporting prescription results to NZQA for the New Zealand Diploma in Business  $8.87 $10.20

Qualification recognition fees

Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
Standard IQA - application for an international qualification assessment for 1 qualification $378.25 $445.00
Skill Shortage List IQA - application for an international qualification assessment for 1 qualification  $518.50 $610.00
Skill Shortage List assessment add-on $140.25


(in addition to the previously paid IQA fee)

Teaching IQA - application for an international qualification assessment for 1 qualification $634.10 $746.00
Teaching assessment add-on $255.85


(in addition to the previously paid IQA fee)

Application for an Overseas Study Assessment (OSA) $140.25 $165.00
Application for reevaluation of an international qualification assessment submitted before 10 February 2020 $195.50 $230.00
Application for review of an international qualification assessment submitted before 10 February 2020. This fee is refunded if the initial assessment is found to be incorrect  $195.50 $230.00
Application for review of an international qualification assessment. This fee is refunded if the initial assessment is found to be incorrect  $650.25 $765.00
Application to add a qualification to an international qualification assessment submitted before 10 February 2020  $127.50 $150.00
Courier fee if applicable $34.85 $41.00
Minimum administration fee $46.75 $55.00
Pre-1998 qualification fee $233.75


(in addition to the previously paid IQA fee)

Verification fee or other third party fees. Some overseas organisations charge a fee for verifying documents Cost of fee Cost of fee

Secondary education fees

Fees GST exclusive GST inclusive
Administration fee for the processing of late NCEA and NZ Scholarship fee payments for international students  $43.48 $50.00
Application for programme accreditation  $200 per application $230 per application
Application for programme approval and accreditation  $190.00 per hour $218.50 per hour
Application for reconsideration of NCEA results  $17.74 per standard $20.40 per standard
Application for reconsideration of NZ Scholarship results  $26.70 per subject $30.70 per subject
Arranging a special exam session  Actual cost Actual cost
Attendance at moderation best practice workshops  $104.35 per day per person $120 per day per person
Domestic student entry for all NCEA standards  No charge No charge
Domestic student entry for each NZ Scholarships subject  No charge No charge
International student entry to NCEA standards  $333.30 per year $383.30 per year
International student entry to NZ Scholarship subjects $88.87 per subject $102.20 per subject
Issuing a copy of a student's record of achievement or School Results Summary $13.30 $15.30

Issue a copy of any of the following certified statements of qualification: School Certificate, Sixth Form Certificate, Higher School Certificate, University Entrance, University Bursaries, Scholarship, Fine Arts Preliminary (before 1977) or Fiji or Tongan Form 6 Exam 1986 to 1988:

Per statement, per qualification, per year $22.26 $25.60
Flat fee for requests of more than 2 certified statements requested at the same time $44.52 $51.20
Per extra copy $4.43 $5.10
Reprint of certificates for NCEA Levels 1, 2 or 3 $13.30 $15.30
Return of assessment material to overseas addresses $26.70 $30.70
Return of NCEA Level 3 and NZ Scholarship Visual Arts portfolios, workbooks to overseas addresses $88.87 per portfolio $102.20 per portfolio
Search and confirmation of past results $22.26 $25.60

Secondary education fees for students attending Cook Islands and Niue schools

 Application for reconsideration of NCEA  $17.75 per standard
 Application for reconsideration of NZ Scholarship  $26.70 per standard
 Arranging a special exam session  Actual cost
 Attendance at moderation best practice workshops  $104.35 per day per person
Domestic citizens only student entry for all NCEA standards  No charge
Domestic citizens only student entry for each NZ Scholarship subject  No charge
International student entry to NCEA standards  $333.30 per year
International student entry to NZ Scholarship subjects  $88.90 per subject
Issue of a copy of any of the following certified statements of a qualification: School Certificate, Sixth Form Certificate, Higher School Certificate, University Entrance, University Bursaries, NZ Scholarship, Fine Arts Preliminary (before 1977), Fiji and Tongan Form 6 Exam 1986 to 1988:  
Per statement, per qualification, per year  $22.30
Flat fee for requests of more than 2 certified statements requested at the same time  $44.50
Per extra copy  $4.35
Issuing a copy of a student's record of achievement or School Results Summary  $13.30
Processing fee for late entries for standards by NCEA secondary school candidates for international students  $43.50
Reprint of certificates for NCEA Levels 1, 2 or 3  $13.30
Return of assessment material to overseas addresses  $26.70
Return of NCEA Level 3 and NZ Scholarship Visual Arts portfolios, workbooks to overseas addresses  $88.90 per portfolio
Search and confirmation of past results  $22.30

Commercial use of NCEA and NZ Scholarship exam material

Fees for each standard cover commercial use for all parts of the exam, including resource material, assessment schedules or marking scheme. The fee is the maximum that will be charged. Use of only part of a standard may have a lower fee.

GST is New Zealand's goods and services tax.

Digital format fee

An additional processing fee of $30 excluding GST or $34.50 including GST is charged for exam material in digital format.

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