Ngā tirohanga mātauranga Māori

Insights on Māori education

Reports on Māori qualification, assessment, and quality assurance matters

Nau mai, haere mai

NZQA Insights papers use data and research to give insights into qualification, assessment, and quality assurance matters.

Insights papers have a particular focus on equity issues, good assessment practice and how to use data to improve the education system.

Latest research

Ngā whai painga o Te Ao Haka: The positive impacts of Te Ao Haka

What happens when a subject like Te Ao Haka is given mana orite (equal status) in Aotearoa's school system?

Find out more and read the report

Supporting Equity for Māori and Pacific students in New Zealand Scholarship

A paper looking at helping schools consider their practises and looking at ways to provide more equitable opportunities for Māori and Pacific students.

Find out more and read the paper

NCEA pathways through senior secondary

Published 17 June 2022

This paper looks at five data signposts which can indicate whether ākonga Māori and Pacific students at secondary school are on equitable pathways to academic success.

NCEA report

University Entrance: Do current programmes lead to equity for ākonga Māori and Pacific students?

Published 17 June 2022

This paper examines some of the conditions which contribute to Māori and Pacific students being awarded University Entrance at half the rate of other students.

University Entrance report

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