Kia ora, nau mai haere mai
Welcome to the Assessment Support Materials for Manaaki Marae.
Manaaki Marae unit standards focus on learners understanding the depth and breadth of manaakitanga and how it links Māori well-being to the marae and the mana of its people.
Manaaki is an ethic of thoughtfulness, generosity and caring for others. Manaaki Marae is characterised through acts of hospitality. It demands excellence of the hosts to uphold their mana, the mana of all guests, and of the marae itself.
Manaaki Marae is categorised in two kaupapa, manaaki marae – Takatu Kai and Whāngai Manuhiri.
The resources on this page are designed to help teachers and tutors assess ākonga against the relevant Manaaki Marae unit standards listed on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS).
Assessors can use the assessment support material for the Manaaki Marae unit standards to develop tasks and assessment schedules.
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all those who contributed to the development of this practical resource.
Ākonga booklet
The Manaaki Marae assessment booklet for ākonga includes:
- Information on required tasks
- An assessment task sheet for ākonga
- A checklist for assessors.
On this page
Assessment support material booklets
The assessment support resources for Manaaki Marae have been developed to support kaiako and tutors and the ākonga in achieving the outcomes of the unit standards listed below and are guidelines only.
Ākonga booklet: Manaaki Marae [PDF, 5.7 MB]
Assessor booklet: Manaaki Marae [PDF, 5.3 MB]
Domain: Takatū Kai
Unit standard documents
To view the unit standard document listed in the assessment support material booklets, please click on the standard link.
Domain: Whāngai Manuhiri
Level 2
29566 - Prepare fruit and vegetables to present for manuhiri (external link)
29567 - Prepare equipment and cook kai in an oven to present for manuhiri (external link)
29568 - Prepare equipment and fry kai to present for manuhiri (external link)
29569 - Prepare equipment and cook kai with liquid to present for manuhiri (external link)
Domain: Takatū Kai
Level 2
21232 - Describe the tasks and responsibilities of ringawera in a marae wharekai (external link)
27510 - Identify customary kai Māori and describe its gathering process (external link)
31159 - Demonstrate knowledge of traditional and customary kai Māori (external link)
Domain: Tikanga Concepts
Level 3
32185 - Demonstrate knowledge and expressions of manaakitanga (external link)
If you would like to provide feedback on these materials or suggest changes to the content of this resource, please contact Māori Qualifications Services at mqs@nzqa.govt.nz