About Te Hono o Te Kahurangi
Te Hono o Te Kahurangi (THoTK) is a whare ako framework and methodology NZQA uses for quality assurance in the non-university tertiary sector.
Te Hono o Te Kahurangi lets you engage with NZQA using Māori approaches and values.
About the kaupapa
Six dynamic and interconnected kaupapa are at the heart of THoTK. These kaupapa act as a common point of reference for education and evaluators.
They also help guide conversations and decisions about:
- what quality looks like in the educational context of the organisation
- how the organisation knows they are meeting the needs of ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori
- whether the organisation has the capacity and capability to deliver and sustain educational outcomes
- how well the organisation is able to understand and improve its overall educational performance.
Each education organisation is expected to demonstrate how their organisational priorities relate to each application type, or review type, through expressions of ngā kaupapa of THoTK.
The six kaupapa
Ka hua te rangatiratanga mā te whakatīnana i tā te Māori titiro ki te ao i te wā e uruparetia ana ngā tūmanako me ngā whakahihiritanga o te ākonga, o te whānau, o te hapū, o te iwi, o te hapori Māori, o te hapori whānui.
Autonomy realised through the enactment of a Māori world-view in response to the aspirations and driving motivators of ākonga, whānau, hapū, and where relevant, the Māori community and sector stakeholders.
Ka tuia, ka kumanutia hoki ngā whanaungatanga kia mau tonu ai ngā hononga i runga i te kauanuanu, i te pono me te māramatanga, hei painga mō te katoa.
Connecting, fostering, and maintaining relationships based on respect, integrity and understanding for the benefit of all.
Te whakaatu i te hāpaitanga o te mana mā roto i ngā whanonga me ngā mahi manaaki i te ākonga, i te whānau, i te hapū, i te iwi, i te hapori hoki.
Manaakitanga realised by mana-enhancing behaviour and practices for the care of ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi, and community.
E whakahua ana i te mātauranga me ngā pūkenga e mau tonu ai ngā mātāpono, ngā whakapono, ngā hiahia matua me ngā tūmanako o te iwi.
Represents the knowledge and skills to ensure the principles, beliefs, needs and aspirations of the people are sustained.
Te rokirokitanga, te kaitiakitanga, te hāpaitanga hoki o te ao me ōna taonga hei painga mō te katoa.
Preservation, guardianship and enhancement of the world and its treasures for the benefit of all.
Te reo Māori
E ora ana, e momoho ana, e matomato ana hoki te tipu o te kākano o te reo Māori.
The Māori language is alive, vibrant, and flourishing.