We produce a range of publications and resources, including resources that explain NCEA.
Many of these resources are in other languages, such as Cook Islands Māori, Japanese and Samoan among others.
Read, watch or download what you need
Use the links on this page to watch, read or download copies of our resources.
On this page
Guide to NCEA
Our guide to NCEA contains lots of useful information about:
- the basics of NCEA
- assessments
- endorsements
- University Entrance (UE)
- New Zealand Scholarship
- vocational pathways
- and much more.
Read the Guide to NCEA in your language
Guide to NCEA - te reo Māori [PDF, 5.4 MB]
Guide to NCEA - English [PDF, 6.4 MB]
Guide to NCEA - Cook Islands Māori [PDF, 3.2 MB]
Guide to NCEA - Fijian [PDF, 3.3 MB]
Guide to NCEA - Kiribati [PDF, 3.5 MB]
Guide to NCEA - Niuean [PDF, 3.5 MB]
How NCEA works video
Watch this short and engaging video that explains how NCEA works.
Watch the videoNCEA online
NZQA is changing how students can do their NCEA exams. We're moving from handwritten papers, to online, using a PC or laptop.
To find out more about what's happening, why it's important and how we're involving schools, we have developed a short flyer that talks about NCEA online.
Download the NCEA online flyer in Māori [PDF, 1.8 MB]
Download the NCEA online flyer in English [PDF, 1.8 MB]
The NCEA online flyer in Pacific languages
This flyer is also available in Kiribati, Samoan, Tongan and Tuvaluan.
Insightful Ngā Kaitūhono publications
Publications from our Māori advisory group, Ngā Kaitūhono.
Read articles and essays in Enhancing Mātauranga Māori and Global Indigenous Knowledge, Conversations on Mātauranga Māori, and Book of Proceedings.
NCEA factsheets
Use the links below to read a factsheet online, or download and print a copy.
Factsheet 1: What is NCEA? [PDF, 811 KB]
Factsheet 2: NCEA and recognising excellence [PDF, 825 KB]
Factsheet 3: NCEA – choosing a course or subjects at school [PDF, 830 KB]
Factsheet 4: NCEA – internal and external assessment [PDF, 830 KB]
Factsheet 5: NCEA and University Entrance [PDF, 822 KB]
Factsheet 6: How NCEA results are recognised overseas [PDF, 809 KB]
Engaging Pasifika resources

A fun and interactive comic book resource that encourages Pacific learners to take STEM subjects.
Get your copy
Rising Stars
Rising Stars helps Pacific young people and their families navigate education to employment pathways.
Get your copy