Applying for consent to assess against standards

Information about applying for consent to assess, including the related legislation, scope and how to apply

How to apply for consent to assess against standards

To apply for consent to assess against standards, schools must complete a Quality Management System document that is evaluated and approved by NZQA.

This document outlines how the school will ensure the guardianship of the national school qualification and maintain its credibility.

Schools wanting to apply should refer to our guidelines:

Guidelines for applying for consent to assess standards listed on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards [PDF, 564 KB]

The key legislation

Under Section 452 of the Education and Training Act 2020, secondary schools which have been issued with a provider code are entitled to apply for Consent to Assess Against Standards on the Qualifications Framework.

Consent to assess against standards on the Qualifications Framework can only be granted to secondary schools after they receive an Education Review Office Readiness report. This requirement is outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding between NZQA, the Education Review Office and the Ministry of Education.

Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) -

Consent to Assess Against Standards on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards Rules 2022

Base scope and limited scope

Secondary schools can apply for consent to assess all standards under Base Scope consent or a reduced range for Limited Scope.

  • Base Scope includes all domains that have Achievement Standards and commonly used Unit Standards to Level 3 of the Qualifications Framework.
  • Limited Scope is a group of standards selected by the school that reflects the programmes the school wants to offer. Having Limited Scope changes the range of the quality assurance processes NZQA applies to ensure the credibility of the qualification.

The school should discuss the most appropriate consent scope with the School Relationship Manager managing their consent application.

After consent has been granted a school can apply for standards outside of Base or Limited Scope through the NZQA extension to consent to assess process.

Read more about Base Scope of Assessment for Schools (BSAS)

Preparing your Quality Management System document

To be granted consent to assess against standards a school must prepare a Quality Management System (QMS) document that addresses the requirements in Appendix 1 of the CAAS rules.

Go to Appendix 1

In the document schools need to tell us how they will ensure credible assessment of standards on the Qualifications Framework.

We created the following template to support schools to prepare their Quality Management System document:

Template for schools to develop their QMS document [DOC, 185 KB]

The school can request a School Relationship Management to visit the school to provide advice in the preparation of the document.

 How to apply

  • Contact our School Quality Assurance and Support (SQAS) team.
  • We'll ask you to complete an Initial Consent to Assess Application Form to start the consent to assess process. This document outlines your school's context and provides its contact details.
  • When we receive your application, the SQAS Manager will send a letter confirming NZQA can support the school to prepare the Quality Management System document.
  • The completed Quality Management System is sent to NZQA to be evaluated. A School Relationship Manager will visit the school to check the evidence documented in the Quality Management Systems document to ensure the information provided meets consent to assess requirements as outlined in the CAAS rules.
  • Until the Quality Management System document is approved by NZQA the school cannot assess or report any results for the award of qualifications.
  • Once the document is approved by NZQA, the SQAS Manager will send a letter confirming that consent to assess against standards on the Qualification Framework has been granted. At this point the school can start assessing and reporting results.

For more information, contact the School Support team