About sub-contracting
If a school wants to increase the range of courses or standards that it can offer its learners, it might want to engage sub-contractors to do this.
Rule 8 of the Consent to Assess Rules
The NZQA Rule that governs sub-contracting arrangements is Rule 8 of the Consent to Assess Against Standards on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards Rules 2022.
Read Rule 8 - Use of sub-contractors
Unconsented sub-contracts
Unconsented sub-contracting arrangements are usually between a school that has consent to assess and an individual sub-contractor who doesn't.
All unconsented sub-contractor arrangements must be approved by NZQA.
How to apply
To apply to engage in an unconsented sub-contract, please log in to the providers portal and select and complete our online application form, Third Party Consent - Unconsented Third Party.
Log in to the providers portal (external link)
View our video below for guidance on how to complete our online form.
On this page
More information
For more detail about unconsented sub-contracts read Rule 8.2 in the Consent to Assess Rules 2022:
Consented sub-contracts
A consented sub-contract is between 2 parties who both hold consent to assess.
What you need to do
If you want to engage in a consented sub-contract, please include the below information in your Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and submit this via the online form, Third Party Consent – Consented Third Party (MoU).
Log in to the providers portal (external link)
View our video below for guidance on how to complete our online form.
What to include in your MoU
Under the rules (8.1) the holder who is engaging with the consented sub-contractor must supply to NZQA the following information prior to using the sub-contractor:
- a copy of the sub-contracting agreement which must outline the responsibilities and obligations of the parties
- the duration of the agreement
- the reasons for the arrangement
- confirmation that any advertising and other information provided to prospective learners clearly shows that the study or training involved is provided under a sub-contracting arrangement.
Download an editable MoU template [DOC, 32 KB]
More information
For more detail about consented sub-contracts read Rule 8.1 in the Consent to Assess Rules 2022:
Video transcript
NZQA is developing a new way to submit applications online within the MyNZQA school portal. The first applications that are ready are for third-party consents.
They are used when a school subcontracts a provider to deliver one or more standards. This could be a consented provider, such as another school, or an unconsented provider such as a local business.
We'll be asking for the same information as before, but now you'll need to submit it using an online form.
There are more applications we're in the process of making online, and we'll let you know as new ones become available.
You can find the new online application by logging into the MyNZQA School portal. Click the School Administration down arrow in the side menu and select Applications.
Currently only those with higher security access to the portal will be able to see the Applications option.
In the future, there will be a way to allow some general security users to also complete applications.
From here we can click Create a new application.
Click the drop down to select the type of application. There will be more options in future. Click Create Application.
On the first page you'll find important information about the form and completing the application, including links to more information.
Click Start Application when you're ready. Read through and complete the fields, then click Go to next page.
Some fields will look up information as you start typing, such as searching for standards.
For some applications you'll need to upload documents. For example, for consented third-party consents, you'll need to upload a Memorandum of Understanding an MOU.
You can navigate backwards by clicking Previous page, click Save Draft to save your progress and exit the form.
When you're ready, you can return to the Applications area and click on your draft to complete it.
On the last page of the application, you'll have the opportunity to check all the information you've provided. You can indicate if you'd like to be notified about the application by email and you'll need to complete the confirmation statements.
Clicking Submit Application sends it to NZQA.
A record of the application is saved and you'll see its status as Submitted to NZQA. The status will change to In Progress once someone from NZQA starts reviewing your application.
We'll let you know once we've completed the application, and you'll see the status change to Application complete.
Applying for third-party consent (2:47 mins)
Find out how to use the new online form for sub-contracting
Consent holder and sub-contractor's obligations
The school applicant obligations
The school applicant (consent holder) must:
- have consent to assess the standards to be assessed by the proposed subcontractor
- hold an enrolment for the student and maintain all student enrolment and academic information
- report credits for the learners
- remain responsible for the subcontractor meeting all of the consent holder’s obligations and
- set out, in its application to NZQA, how it intends to ensure the subcontractor meets the holder’s consent to assess obligations such as:
- personnel having sufficient teaching and subject knowledge
- premises, facilities and other physical resources being adequate
- appropriate procedures for managing assessment processes, including re-submission, further assessment and appeal of assessment results
- internal moderation and/or
- external moderation.
The sub-contractor obligations
The sub-contractor must:
- provide the teaching, learning and assessment environment for the delivery of the particular standards
- meet the assessment and moderation requirements of the school that holds consent to assess
- assess only those students who are enrolled with the consent holder and
- not further subcontract the delivery of study or training or assessment (CAAS Rules 13.2).
Please refer any enquiries to your School Relationship Manager.
School Relationship Manager
School Quality Assurance and Liaison
Telephone: 04 463 3000
Email: firstname.lastname@nzqa.govt.nz