Examination timetable clashes

Find out more about how exam timetable clashes are managed and resolved

The examination timetable has been developed with reference to previous entry data to minimise potential clashes, and is published in December of the year prior to examinations.

Candidates, subject teachers, form teachers, and deans should be aware of the examination timetable, and where a timetable clash occurs, the candidate should be informed of the impact of the clash.

Role of the Principal's Nominee

The Principal’s Nominee (PN) should check examination timetable clashes after each data file submission and advise any candidates of timetable clashes. They can do this by checking the 'Key Indicators' page of the school's Provider login where candidates who have examination clashes are listed. 

The examination clash management timeline and sequestering guidelines may assist in the management of clashes.

The PN must:

  • publish an examination timetable at the beginning of the year so candidates can identify clashes which will impact on option choices.
  • discuss clashes with candidates to see if these can be removed or minimised.
  • confirm arrangements for 3-way clashes with your School Relationship Manager (SRM).
  • provide each candidate with a letter outlining their timetable clash, how it is to be resolved, and their respective responsibilities.
  • provide the Examination Centre Manager (ECM) with a list of clash candidates with NZQA-approved arrangements so they can plan appropriately.
  • check that late entries made after 1 September do not create clashes.
  • confirm arrangements to accommodate candidates, which impact on examination centre resourcing, by 19 October so that ECMs can complete their planning.
  • contact their SRM, after 19 October, if any additional clashes arise.

Examination clash management timeline

Sequestering guidelines

The PN should provide the ECM with a list of all candidates with clashes, together with copies of the candidate letters detailing how each clash will be managed. This will enable the ECM to finalise their planning. 

Managing examination timetable clashes

Key Principles

The key principles for managing examination clashes are:

  • maintaining credible assessment and the integrity of the examinations
  • minimising impacts on the exam centre and the school’s management of exams
  • meeting candidate needs.

Exam order of priority

In accordance with these principles, candidates with clashes will sit their examinations at the published time in the following order of priority:

  1. NZ Scholarship examinations
  2. Digital examinations
  3. Examinations with technology (e.g., those with a listening, speaking, or video recording component)
  4. The higher-level examination.

It is assumed that every clash has been considered and checked against the examination timetable by the candidate and staff at the school, and that all understand the implications of the clash on the candidate’s examination timetable. The examination for each standard is designed so it can be completed within one hour.

NZQA will discuss options that allow candidates to complete all of their scheduled examinations.

Extra exam sessions

Where a clash requires an extra examination session for a candidate, the time allocated for that session will be based on the number of standards entered. In agreed circumstances, NZQA may allow an earlier start or a later finish to an examination.

Examinations will not be scheduled to start before 7:00am or finish after 5:30pm, including for candidates with special assessment conditions (SAC).

NZQA is the final arbiter of all arrangements for examination timetable clashes.

Resolving Examination Clashes

Schools are responsible for resolving any two-way examination clashes in line with the above principles. It is advisable to discuss any clashes with your ECM. If there are issues, refer these to your SRM.

NZQA may require extra supervision arrangements to be put in place for a candidate, or the candidate may need to sit an examination outside of the timetabled session. In managing examination clashes, the security of the examination booklets is paramount for maintaining the credibility of external assessment.

NZQA is mindful of its obligations as an employer, and will ensure that the ECM and supervisors are not required to start an examination too early, nor continue an examination too late, for the convenience of the candidate.

Examples of how clashes could be resolved

Candidate is entered for a total of three standards

If the candidate is entered for a total of three standards (across multiple subjects) within an examination session, they will be required to sit all examinations within that single examination session. A break may be requested when a candidate transitions to another subject during the examination.   

Candidate is entered for more than three standards

If the candidate is entered for more than three standards across multiple subjects in an exam session, they will sit the higher-level examination at the scheduled time and will be sequestered (closely supervised) between the morning and afternoon sessions. They must stay in the examination room for the entire examination morning session but may leave after 45 minutes following the start of the afternoon session.

Three examinations timetabled for the same day

If the candidate has 3 examinations timetabled for the same day, they will be provided with an extra examination session on the day to accommodate all three examinations (unless overnight sequestering is approved). The timing and duration of each session will be according to the principles outlined above. Sequestering will be required between some sessions.

Candidate elects not to attend an examination to resolve a clash

If the candidate elects not to attend an examination to resolve a clash, the school must ensure the candidate confirms this in writing. An 'Intention not to attend an examination' form is available for confirming this arrangement with the candidate. This completed form is to be given to your ECM so they are aware that no additional supervision resources are required to manage the candidate.

Intention not to attend an examination [DOCX, 15 KB]

Clash arrangements that will impact on examination centre resourcing must be resolved by mid-October so that the ECM can complete their examination planning as required by NZQA.

Two-way clashes

The 'Two-way clash letter' template is also available from the 'Key Indicators' page of your school’s Provider login. Each candidate must sign a copy of their letter and return it to the Principal's Nominee before 19 October. Candidates must be given a copy of their completed letter for reference.

Where a clash involves entries in only two or three standards, the 'Two-way clash letter - 3 standards' template should be used.

PNs should discuss arrangements on the management of two-way clashes with their school's ECM. Any issues should be referred to your SRM.

Two-way clash letter template [DOCX, 65 KB]

Two-way clash letter - 3 standards template [DOCX, 50 KB]

Three-way clashes

Three-way clash arrangements will be determined by your SRM, who will provide a letter for each candidate detailing the specific arrangements to manage their clash. Each candidate must sign a copy of their letter and return it to the PN before mid-October.

Candidates must be given a copy of their completed letter for reference, and a copy of each three-way clash letter must also be sent to your SRM.

The PN is not to provide a letter to any candidate or approve any resolution of a three-way clash without the prior approval of their SRM.

Can a candidate request to sit an examination at a time different from that published?

A candidate may request to sit an examination earlier or later in the day, e.g., to be able to participate as a national representative in a sporting or cultural event.

The candidate must have been selected by a national body and provide NZQA with appropriate written confirmation of that selection.

In all such instances, the PN must contact their SRM in writing. If NZQA agrees to such an arrangement, any actual and reasonable costs associated with extra supervision, including sequestering, may be charged.

Self-interest requests will be declined. This includes requests to:

  • sit an examination earlier in the day so that a cheaper airfare to an overseas destination may be purchased
  • attend pre-arranged family events.

Candidates must follow procedures

Candidates must understand that failure to follow all procedures for a timetable clash, will be regarded as a breach of external assessment under Schedule 5 of the:

NZQA Assessment Rules for Schools, TEOs assessing against Achievement Standards and NCEA Corequisite Standards, and Candidates 2024

Procedures include those related to supervision over lunchtime, such as:

  • remaining in the examination room for the duration of any morning examination
  • being sequestered over lunchtime
  • being escorted to their afternoon exam, and
  • use of the toilet under the direct supervision of a member of the school staff.

Candidates from other schools with examination clashes

When making arrangements for candidates from other schools to sit examinations at your examination centre, check for any exam clashes. If there are clashes, contact your SRM urgently as this could have implications for you and your staff.

NZ Scholarship exams and overnight sequestering

Overnight sequestering might be considered an option with the approval of both NZQA and the Principal at the candidate's school, if NZ Scholarship candidates have three-way clashes involving NZ Scholarship and NCEA Level 3 (where they are entered in all standards) in a single day.

An example of this might be two NZ Scholarship examinations and one NCEA Level 3 or one NZ Scholarship examination and two NCEA Level 3.

NZ Scholarship exams have priority

NZ Scholarship is a high-stakes, competitive examination with the possibility of significant monetary awards for high-achieving candidates across a number of NZ Scholarship examinations. A three-way clash between NZ Scholarship and NCEA examinations should not present a barrier to a candidate’s access to these awards or give them an advantage over other candidates.

NZQA requires the completion of the NZ Scholarship examinations on the correct examination day. Should overnight sequestering be approved, the NCEA Level 3 examination must be completed the following morning.

Principal's responsibilities

The school's Principal, with the approval of NZQA, will be responsible for the secure, overnight sequestering of any candidate. Any costs relating to overnight sequestering will be the responsibility of the candidate.

There is no overnight sequestering of candidates for NCEA only, at any level, because of logistical constraints and equity considerations. Overnight sequestering may only be approved for clashes between NZ Scholarship and NCEA Level 3 subjects.

Sequestering guidelines

Fees for supervision or sequestering

When a candidate has elected to sit an examination at a time different from that published, and NZQA has agreed, any actual and reasonable costs associated with extra supervision, including sequestering, may be charged.

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