External moderation outcomes

Find out more about the outcome statements in external moderation reports

About outcome statements in external moderation reports

Outcome statements in external moderation reports indicate the level of consistency of assessor decisions and understanding of the standard assessed, whether assessment materials are suitable for use, or that no materials have been provided for moderation.

Where no materials are submitted, 'Materials Not Received' will be recorded as an outcome and in the report.

Schools are required to address issues that are identified in the external moderation process. The External Moderation Follow-up for Schools leaflet provides guidance.

Read a more detailed explanation of each statement:.

External Moderation Follow-up for Schools [DOCX, 17 KB] 

Consistency statements


This means there are no significant issues with assessment judgements for this standard.

Assessor's decisions show a clear and accurate understanding of the standard. Any misunderstandings are minor and can be easily addressed by following the feedback contained in the moderation report.

This indicates that the moderator considers that the assessor decisions are nationally consistent.

Not yet consistent

This means that while there may be some issues with assessment judgements the school should be capable of correcting any issues themselves, based upon feedback given in the moderation report.

Assessor's decisions generally show a clear and accurate understanding of the requirements of the standard. The assessor should be able to adequately address any identified misunderstandings by following the feedback contained in the moderation report and using clarification documents, exemplars, or professional learning opportunities.

This may also indicate that the moderator considers that the assessor has not always recognized the requirements of certain grades or is not always consistent with their assessment decisions.

Not consistent

This means that assessor decisions are not consistent with the requirements of the standard.

This may also indicate that the moderator considers that the assessor has not recognised the requirements of certain grades and the results are not nationally consistent. An action plan is needed to provide support.

Assessment material statements

This report relates to learner evidence and associated assessment decisions only

E hāngai ana tēnei pūrongo ki ngā tauira mahi me ngā whakataunga aromatawai

This means that the assessment materials were not moderated. This is because there are no issues with the assessor judgements that are linked to the assessment materials.

The assessment materials meet the national standard

E ōrite ana ngā rauemi aromatawai ki te paerewa.

This means that the only issues identified in the assessment material are very minor. Any comments in the report are phrased as recommendations.

The material covers the outcomes of the standard and the explanatory notes have been addressed. Range statement requirements and evidence requirements have also been appropriately covered.

The assessment materials require modification

Whakarerekēhia ngā rauemi aromatawai.

This means that the assessment materials require revision or some specific redevelopment. The issues identified are ones that can easily be addressed by following the feedback in the moderation report.

The critical outcomes are covered and the explanatory notes have been addressed. There are only minor omissions in the assessment materials or schedule (evidence, judgement statements or model answers), and/or incomplete coverage of the range statement or evidence requirements.

The assessment materials do not meet the national standard

Kāore e hāngai pū ana ngā rauemi aromatawai ki te paerewa

This means that the assessment materials require complete redevelopment before the assessment activity can be used again. The issues are widespread within the materials. While only the most critical examples will be noted in the moderation report, a full check of the materials against the standard needs to occur as part of any review.

A significant number of outcomes and/or explanatory notes have not been addressed. There may be serious omissions in the assessment materials, schedule, and/or a significant number of the range statements or evidence requirements have not been covered.

It may also mean that there may be equity issues associated with the design of the assessment activity where not all students will be able to achieve at all levels of the standard.

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