Supplementary payment to schools for dedicated co-requisite standards

Information about the supplementary payment to schools that delivered the dedicated co-requisite standards in 2024

We recognise that the introduction of the dedicated co-requisite standards for Literacy, Te Reo Matatini, Numeracy and Te Pāngarau increased administrative workloads for schools and Principals’ Nominees.

Last year the Ministry of Education announced that schools will receive a supplementary payment to help offset the costs of administering the dedicated co-requisite standards’ assessments in 2024.

NZQA will distribute this payment on behalf of the Ministry in February, alongside the usual Administration Payment.

Schools that reported results for dedicated co-requisite standards will each receive a base payment of $200, plus $5 per candidate (for each dedicated co-requisite standard with an assessed result).

The following criteria apply:

  • The payment will only be made for students assessed against the specific Literacy (US32403 and US32405), Te Reo Matatini (US32413 and US32415), Numeracy (US32406) and Te Pāngarau (US32412) standards in 2024 (not for assessments against the list of approved additional standards (external link));
  • The payment will be calculated based on the number of standards where there were assessed results, rather than the number of entries;
  • If a student attempted multiple assessment opportunities for a standard, their school will receive a single payment for the student being assessed against that standard, and
  • Absent and Standard Not Assessed outcomes are not included as an assessed result.

NZQA will calculate and distribute the supplementary payment to the school that managed the entries. When the payment is made, we will email Finance Managers a breakdown of how it was calculated.

Example payments

The following table may help you calculate what level of payment your school or kura can expect to receive:


Base Payment

Completed Standard Payment

Total Payment

School A



100 candidates, of whom:




each was assessed against 3 standards (100x3x$5)


+ $1,500

= $1,700

School B



100 candidates, of whom:




75 were assessed against 3 standards (75x3x$5)


+ $1,125


15 were assessed against 2 standards (15x2x$5)


+ $150


10 were assessed against 1 standard (10x1x$5)


+ $50

= $1,525

School C




100 candidates entered for 3 standards, of whom:



75 were assessed against 3 standards (75x3x$5)


+ $1,125


25 were not assessed against any standards


+ $0

= $1,325

School D




100 candidates, of whom:



75 were assessed against 3 of the specific standards (75x3x$5)


+ $1,125


25 were using the alternative standards (external link)


+ $0

= $1,325


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