AS 91296 annotated exemplars

Produce a landscape plan

Agricultural and Horticultural Science | Level 2
More about this standard

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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 28 MB]

TKI Agricultural and Horticultural Science assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91296 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 5.4 MB)


For Excellence, the student needs to produce a comprehensive landscape plan.

This involves producing a visually appealing planting diagram that justifies the landscape plan in relation to current and anticipated future user needs, and is compatible with environmental factors and complies with local government regulations.

The student produces a dimensionally well-proportioned planting diagram that has a balance between soft and hard landscaping features (1). The planting diagram is visually appealing (1), and is briefly justified through the landscape plan in relation to current (2) and anticipated future user needs, such as future maintenance of soft landscape situations (3), consideration of environmental factors (4) and compliance with local government regulations (5).

For a more secure Excellence, the student could provide a more detailed justification on how the plants chosen meet the current and anticipated future user needs, are suited to the environmental factors and how they comply with local government regulations.

High Merit

91296 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 4.7 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to produce an in-depth landscape plan.

This involves producing a planting diagram that shows named soft features (cultivar/variety), and provides detailed explanations of how the landscape plan satisfies current user needs, environmental factors, and local government regulations.

The student names the soft features (1) on their planting diagram (2) and provides detailed explanations of how the landscaping plan satisfies current user needs (3), environmental factors (4), and local government regulations (5).

To reach Excellence, the student could provide:

  • a planting diagram that is visually appealing, e.g. by ensuring balance and proportion
  • a justification on how the plants chosen meet the anticipated future user needs, are suited to the environmental factors and how they comply with local government regulations.

Low Merit

91296 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 7.5 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to produce an in-depth landscape plan.

This involves producing a planting diagram that shows named soft features (cultivar/variety), and provides detailed explanations of how the landscape plan satisfies current user needs, environmental factors, and local government regulations.

The student names the soft landscaping features (1) on their planting diagram (2) and provides some detailed explanations of how the landscaping plan satisfies current user needs (3), environmental factors (4), and local government regulations (5). 

For a more secure Merit, the student could provide more detailed explanations of how the planting diagram meets current user needs with more linking between the soft and hard features, environmental factors and local government regulations.

High Achieved

91296 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 2.6 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to produce a landscape plan.

This involves producing a planting diagram that contains: a site plan drawn to scale; shows hard and soft landscape features; and provides explanations of how user needs, environmental factors, and local government regulations are met.

The student provides a planting diagram that contains a site plan drawn to scale (1), shows hard (2) and soft landscape features (3), and provides explanations of how user needs (4), environmental factors (5) and local government regulations (6) are met.

To reach Merit, the student could:

  • name their soft landscape features
  • provide detailed explanations of how user needs, environmental factors and local government regulations are catered for by the soft and hard landscaping features.

Low Achieved

91296 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 4.3 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to produce a landscape plan.

This involves producing a planting diagram that contains: a site plan drawn to scale; shows hard and soft landscape features; and provides explanations of how user needs, environmental factors, and local government regulations are met.

The student provides a basic planting diagram that contains a site plan drawn to scale (1), shows hard (2) and soft landscape features (3), and provides brief explanations of how user needs (4), basic environmental factors (5) and local government regulations (6) are met.

For a more secure Achieved, the student could provide a more detailed explanation of how the requirements of the user groups are being met by the design plan.

High Not Achieved

91296 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 3.8 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to produce a landscape plan.

This involves producing a planting diagram that contains: a site plan drawn to scale; shows hard and soft landscape features; and provides explanations of how user needs, environmental factors, and local government regulations are met.

The student provides a basic planting diagram that contains a site plan drawn to scale (1), and shows hard (2) and soft landscape features (3). 

To reach Achieved, the student could provide explanations of how user needs (4), environmental factors (5) and local government regulations (6) are met. The student needs to explain how the environmental factors affect the use of the site and provide their values such as the average temperature for the area.

See all Agricultural and Horticultural Science assessment resources