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For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of how a life process is managed in a primary production system.
This involves describing a life process that is managed in a primary production system and a relevant management practice that influences the life process, using supporting evidence. The understanding of a Māori concept in the context of how a life process is managed must be shown.
The student has described the life process of photosynthesis. The management practice of pruning kiwifruit has been described, with a captioned photograph referred to in the text as supporting evidence. A reference in the text to the pruning diagram shows further use of supporting evidence. The student shows an understanding of tiakitanga, although only refers to 'kaitiakitanga'.
For Merit, the student could explain how pruning the kiwifruit vine would influence the photosynthesis of the vine especially in the leaves.
For Merit, the student needs to explain how a life process is managed in a primary production system. This involves explaining how the life process is influenced by the management practice.
The student has described growth and drenching of lambs. They have referred to captioned photographs as supporting evidence to illustrate the steps of drenching. The influence of drenching on lamb growth has been explained. There is good understanding of the Māori concept of manaakitanga, evidenced with detail.
For Excellence, the student could evaluate how the life process (growth of lambs) is influenced by drenching or not drenching. This would involve making a judgement regarding which practice is best to improve production.
For Excellence, the student needs to evaluate how a life process is managed in primary production system. This involves evaluating how the life process is influenced by the management practice to improve production.
The student has evaluated the impact of different types of irrigation systems, and the impact of too much or too little water on photosynthesis and strawberry production. Supporting evidence has been used, with the reference in the text to the photograph of drip irrigation. A basic understanding of manaakitanga and growing healthy strawberries has been provided.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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Level 1 Agricultural and Horticultural Science assessment resources (external link) -