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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate perceptive understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger submission of work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence of specific relevance.
The student demonstrates perceptive understanding of the lasting influence of Greek theatre at two later points in time.
Primary source evidence of specific relevance is used (1) to support perceptive understanding.
The analysis of a range of aspects of the theatrical experience shows insight (2). The student is able to weave in aspects of performance (such as the types of humour) with aspects of the wider purpose of theatre (as seen through audience expectations and the nature of the society in which they were produced).
The student develops a hypothesis (4) throughout the response to explain the lasting influence (influence of the audience on plays/ theatre experience).
The point made about the influence of the audience on the plays shows insight into the wider context of each culture. The student makes valid points about the reasons for similarities and differences in the theatre experience (3).
For a more secure Excellence the student could:
- expand their response to identify cultural expectations and codes of behaviour with more insight
- show discernment regarding limitations of sources of evidence.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence of specific relevance.
The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the lasting influence of Greek theatre over time. The student’s response shows familiarity with many aspects of the theatrical experience. Primary source evidence of specific relevance is used to support points made (1).
This is strongest in the analysis of Greek theatre where direct and indirect quotations are provided from Aristophanes’ Wasps, Frogs and Knights. The student confidently analyses these in an informed manner.
Many aspects of humour are covered, and the student makes comments on the similarities in the sustained use of physical humour from the Greek age through to Elizabethan theatre (2).
The student hints at reasons for differences in the theatre experience in the Roman and Elizabethan ages but does not adequately explore this for Excellence.
The student develops a hypothesis (3) about the composition of the audiences across different points in time and the concessions the playwrights made to accommodate them.
To reach Excellence, the student could:
- develop reasons for similarities in the theatrical experience across time
- show insight into the lasting influence of Greek theatre on different cultures across time.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence of specific relevance.
The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the lasting influence of Greek theatre at different points in time.
Examples of specific relevance are used to support the points made; references are drawn from Aristophanes’ Peace, the theatres of Dionysus in Athens and of Pompey in Rome as well as the Globe Theatre in London (1).
Many aspects of the theatre experience are covered (2) and the student makes comments on attendance at the theatre, composition of the audience and the physical theatre itself from the Greek age through to Elizabethan theatre.
The student develops a hypothesis for the lasting influence (3) regarding the role of women in the theatre, but this lacks detail.
For a more secure Merit the student could:
- analyse the lasting influence of Greek theatre in more depth
- develop their hypothesis for the lasting influence.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence.
The student demonstrates understanding of the lasting influence of Greek theatre on later theatrical experiences.
The student uses primary source evidence (1) to support the points made.
The student analyses many points (2) such as the typical audiences and the physical nature of the theatre, and uses this analysis to explore the influence of ancient Greek theatre (3).
There are errors within the student work about Plautine theatre which prevent the student from demonstrating in-depth understanding.
While attempts to analyse a range of aspects can be seen in the student work, the response lacks depth. Many points are glossed over and the response feels more like a list of similarities and differences, rather than an in-depth analysis.
To reach Merit, the student could:
- develop a hypothesis to explain the lasting influence of Greek theatre on subsequent cultures
- analyse the wider cultural context in more depth to give an informed analysis of the lasting influence of Greek theatre
- explore points in more depth.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence.
The student demonstrates some understanding of the lasting influence of Greek theatre on Roman and Elizabethan theatre.
There are some valid points made in the response regarding the composition of the audience, types of plays performed, the social and political context in which these plays existed and the types of humour used (1).
However, these points are superficially covered. There are factual errors within the student work (2) which affect the ability to demonstrate understanding.
The student makes reference to primary source evidence but this is not consistently used in the response. Holistically this is a Low Achieved, as the student analyses aspects of the classical world and other cultures at three different points in time.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could:
- more consistently provide primary source evidence to support points made
- explored the lasting influence of Greek theatre on later cultures in more depth
- expanded on key ideas.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work.
The student demonstrates limited understanding of the lasting influence of Greek theatre across different points in time.
The work makes generalised statements about Greek, Roman and Elizabethan theatres (1) but does not sufficiently analyse these.
The student has emphasised the differences between the theatres (2) but not the similarities, which could be used to establish the lasting influence.
Points are made but there is little connection between the reasons for the Greek influence. The student has not used primary source evidence to support understanding.
To reach Achieved, the student could:
- analyse the lasting influence of Greek theatre at different points in time
- use primary source evidence to support points made.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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