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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to devise and perform an effective drama to realise an intention.
This involves creating a drama that is convincing, captures the essence of the dramatic context, and has impact and originality.
This student (the female whale trainer) has sufficiently met the requirements of the devising process. This is evidenced by teacher verification.
The devised drama realises the intention convincingly. Technologies are used with originality and create impact.
Mask is used to establish the ‘whale’ characters (1), and tension is created with the storytelling: ‘don’t go past the reef’ (2). Impact is created by the use of the cloth to capture the whales, and voice to make the sounds of the distressed whales (3).
The drama moves the action forward to represent the ‘Whale Resort’ performance (4). Mood is created as the lights change to red and the whale trainers use action to convincingly mistreat the whales (5).
Soundscape, sound effects, and the creation of shadows through lighting and movement are used with originality to create impact (6). Realistic props are used to effectively set the scene, and dialogue convincingly conveys the conflict emerging between the whale trainers (7).
The projected image creates impact as it informs the audience of the realities and atrocities of whale hunting and capturing (8).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could sharpen transitions and entrances to create more contrast in dramatic pace.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to devise and perform a coherent drama to realise an intention.
This involves creating a drama that is structured to have flow, dramatic unity, and smooth transition between scenes.
The student assessed begins the drama as a news reporter. All students in the group receive this grade.
This student has devised a drama titled Animal Cruelty. It coherently realises the intention, and uses Epic theatre devices and the personification of animals.
Teacher verification confirms that students have met the requirements of the devising process. Supporting evidence has been provided by the group (1).
Throughout |
Smooth transitions are used between scenes. |
00:10 |
The direct address/narration is coherent, creating satirical humour and supporting the dramatic intention. |
00:33 |
The drama is crafted via an interview with bystanders, to focus the audience on the ignorance of the general public about the conditions for animals on some farms. |
01:32 |
The drama flows to the interview with the farmer and creates tension. This tension is contrasted with an interview with animal rights activists, which creates satirical humour. |
03:02 |
The use of bodies to create a space to convey the conditions of the pig supports the intention. Physical actions and concise dialogue creates mood and has dramatic unity. |
To reach Excellence, the student could create sufficient impact by further refining the drama and developing the interviewees’ roles to be less clichéd.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to devise and perform a coherent drama to realise an intention.
This involves creating a drama that is structured to have flow, dramatic unity, and smooth transition between scenes.
The student assessed is the only female student. All students in the group receive this grade.
This student has devised a coherent drama titled Wall of Judgement, and the intention is realised.
Teacher verification confirms that students have met the requirements of the devising process. Supporting evidence has been provided by the group (1).
Throughout the drama |
The use of freeze frame maintains focus, and the split stage convention coherently establishes roles and the situation, allowing for smooth transitions. |
02:31-05:51 |
Dialogue is developed to create satirical humour, and is crafted to focus on the intention of prejudice against women on construction sites. The dialogue selected drives the action, has dramatic unity and is refined to maintain dramatic flow. |
02:44 and 03:54 |
Mime is used to maintain coherence to create the ‘wall’. |
For a more secure Merit, the student could maintain dramatic unity by choosing props that accurately reflect the time era of the drama. For example, as it is set in present day, real tools or mime could have been used as opposed to weapons from the ancient Roman era.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to devise and perform a drama to realise an intention.
This involves creating an original drama. It is an ongoing cycle that requires active participation in the creative processes by all members of the group, which involves:
- discussion
- exploration of and experimentation with elements and conventions
- selection and rejection
- shaping using elements and conventions
- structuring and sequencing
- reflecting and refining.
The devising is to be supported by a statement of intention.
The exemplified student plays the mother. All students in the group receive this grade.
Teacher verification confirms that students have met the requirements of the devising process. Supporting evidence has been provided by the group (1).
02:21 |
The meeting in the second scene to organise the protest against the Springbok tour establishes the situation, and informs the audience of the key messages to be explored by the drama. |
04:24 |
The use of freeze frame and split stage, showing the protest march and the parents watching television, creates tension and supports dramatic unity. |
08:25 |
The dialogue and action in the scene with her daughter is crafted to create mood. |
To reach Merit, the student could refine the use of dialogue, dramatic pace, space, exits and entrances so that the drama maintains dramatic flow and is not overly long.
The second protest march scene requires further refinement after Emma is injured. Direct address or narration by the actors in the drama could be used at this point instead of the voice over to support dramatic unity.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to devise and perform a drama to realise an intention.
This involves creating an original drama. It is an ongoing cycle that requires active participation in the creative processes by all members of the group, and involves:
- discussion
- exploration of and experimentation with elements and conventions
- selection and rejection
- shaping using elements and conventions
- structuring and sequencing
- reflecting and refining.
The devising is to be supported by a statement of intention.
There is no student work available at this grade.
A student would receive this grade because they had devised and performed a drama that marginally realised the intention.
Teacher verification would confirm that the student has met the requirements of the devising process. Supporting evidence including the dramatic intention would have been provided by the group.
The drama would be crafted into scenes, and focus to some degree on the key ideas explored by the piece. Elements of role, time, space and action and some tension would be evident.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could refine the drama through the devising process to create some contrast in dramatic pace, further editing the dialogue to support the intention. The crafting of the drama would need to consider the audience - dialogue and action would need to convey the information needed from their point of view for the intention to be more securely realised.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to devise and perform a drama to realise an intention.
This involves creating an original drama. It is an ongoing cycle that requires active participation in the creative processes by all members of the group, and involves:
- discussion
- exploration of and experimentation with elements and conventions
- selection and rejection
- shaping using elements and conventions
- structuring and sequencing
- reflecting and refining.
The devising is to be supported by a statement of intention.
There is no student work available at this grade.
A student would receive this grade because teacher verification confirmed that the student attempted to meet the minimum requirements of the devising process. Supporting evidence would be submitted, and the student would perform in the devised drama.
The devised drama would be performed and have a simple storyline. One dimensional roles and the elements of time and place would be evident.
To reach Achieved, the student could develop and refine the dialogue and action so that it builds tension, with conventions used to structure the drama. It would need to be crafted to focus on the key ideas for the intention to be realised through action, and not by ‘telling’.
Decisions for transitions during the devising process would need to ensure that they do not diminish the performability of the drama, e.g. furniture moving and lengthy blackouts.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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