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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to perform a substantial acting role effectively in a scripted production.
This involves presenting the work convincingly, capturing the essence of the dramatic context with impact. It refers to performing the role with flair and assurance.
This student plays the substantial role of the nun in The Private War of Corporal Cooper by John Broughton, and sustains it effectively throughout the performance.
Teacher verification confirms that the student met the requirements for ‘prepare a role’ - see Explanatory Note 3 in the standard.
00:00- 01:09 |
The action of the knitting is assured and supports the essence of the dramatic context. |
04:58- |
The nun is necessarily an undemonstrative role. The student plays against that and is convincingly rapt. |
06:19- 08:07- 11:00- |
Mannerisms and facial expression are presented with maturity and flair to effectively portray the Nun’s altruistic nature. |
14:20-15:40 |
The situation of her ‘feeling’ the soldier’s imminent death is presented with energy and some assurance. |
18:58 |
The song is presented with assurance and adds impact to the final scene of the play. |
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have communicated an inner energy to add impact in the first part of the performance.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to perform a substantial acting role skilfully in a scripted production.
This involves working with competence, control and a sense of purpose. It refers to sustaining a credible role throughout the performance.
This student plays the substantial roles of Michael (aged 7) and narrator (Michael aged 30) skilfully in Dancing at Lughnasa by Brian Friel.
Teacher verification confirms that the student met the requirements for ‘prepare a role’ see Explanatory Note 3 in the standard.
00:00-02:20 |
The student presents the 7 year old Michael purposefully, competently and credibly, and the uses an accent with assurance. This moves him towards the Excellence grade. |
02:23-07:20 |
The role of narrator (Michael at 30 years old) is sustained skilfully. |
To reach Excellence, the student could present the role of narrator with more detail and variation for impact.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to perform a substantial acting role skilfully in a scripted production.
This involves working with competence, control and a sense of purpose. It refers to sustaining a credible role throughout the performance.
This student plays the substantial role of Laura Simpson skilfully in An Illustrated Death of Eddie Fivetrees by Simon O’Connor.
Teacher verification confirms that the student met the requirements for ‘prepare a role’, see Explanatory Note 3 in the standard.
The role of Laura Simpson is sustained competently and purposefully throughout the performance.
For a more secure Merit, the student could show more control with her hands to ensure that their movement is not distracting. There are moments when her responses could be more credibly conveyed.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production.
This involves preparing for and sustaining a role throughout a performance for a live audience. The performed work will be of sufficient substance to merit attention and have some depth of meaning. The role may be from a play or a selection of scenes from one or several plays that are linked thematically.
This student plays the Soldier in The Private War of Corporal Cooper by John Broughton.
Teacher verification confirms that the student met the requirements for ‘prepare a role’, see Explanatory Note 3 in the standard.
The role of the soldier is sustained appropriately with some purpose throughout the performance.
To reach Merit, the student could demonstrate more skill to show the masculinity of the role, and use control to ensure that movement is motivated.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production.
This involves preparing for and sustaining a role throughout a performance for a live audience. The performed work will be of sufficient substance to merit attention and have some depth of meaning. The role may be from a play or a selection of scenes from one or several plays that are linked thematically.
This student has played the substantial role of Eddie Fivetrees in An Illustrated Death of Eddie Fivetrees by Simon O’Connor.
Teacher verification confirms that the student met the requirements for ‘prepare a role’, see Explanatory Note 3 in the standard.
The role of the soldier is sustained appropriately with some purpose throughout the performance.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could portray the old age of Eddie Fivetrees more appropriately.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production.
This involves preparing for and sustaining a role throughout a performance for a live audience. The performed work will be of sufficient substance to merit attention and have some depth of meaning. The role may be from a play or a selection of scenes from one or several plays that are linked thematically.
There is no student work available at this grade.
The student would receive this grade because teacher verification confirms that the student met the requirements for ‘prepare a role’ - see Explanatory Note 3 in the standard.
In performance, the student would receive this grade because the role cannot be described as ‘sustained’.
To reach Achieved, the student could sustain the role throughout the performance. They would need to ensure that they do not lapse out of role when they forget a line.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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