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For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of human-induced change within the Earth system.
This involves describing change within the Earth system that has resulted from human activity, and using science ideas to describe effects of the human-induced change.
This student has described what deforestation is. They also use the science idea of habitat to describe how deforestation affects the biosphere.
The student has described how deforestation decreases water quality and harbour depth through sedimentation, affecting both the hydrosphere and biosphere.
For Merit, the student could explain how the removal of forest habitat affected a species, for example with either a food chain or supported by data. They could use science ideas to explain water quality changes, either biologically, chemically, or physically.
For Merit, the student needs to explain human-induced change within the Earth system.
This involves using science ideas to explain how the change affects the Earth system.
This student has explained how soil without trees and their roots can lead to both flooding and droughts. Effects on the geosphere and hydrosphere are explained.
The student has also included several pieces of data to indicate how significant the human induced change is across Aotearoa.
For Excellence, the student could discuss the scientific implications of a human induced change by analysing how effects in a sphere may link to affects in other sphere(s).
For Excellence, the student needs to analyse human-induced change within the Earth system.
This involves discussing scientific implications of the change within the Earth system.
This student began their analysis by defining relevant concepts such as fossil fuels, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere.
They have explained the role of CO2 in the greenhouse effect, and they have explained how warming the ocean causes the sea level to rise. Finally, the student has discussed how the change in the atmosphere affects the hydrosphere.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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