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For Achieved, the student needs to communicate in French for a chosen purpose.
This involves expressing information, ideas, and opinions relevant to the context, and referring to events or experiences in the present as well as the past or future. Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
The student refers to different experiences/events. There is language to describe a past holiday and some language to talk about family members and school.
The student shows some mastery of talking about the past and future, e.g. “ils sont arrivés, j’irai, ce sera”.
The student gives information about Rotorua and expresses opinions, e.g. “je suis très passionnée, c’etait très bon, c’est très difficile”.
There are a number of inconsistencies, however the message can be understood.
To achieve at Merit there would be additional language on the events/experiences other than holidays. Clarity of a second event/experience, and consistency of language across the two, is required for a grade above Achieved.
For Merit there will also be additional evidence of mastery of a range of language appropriate to the level.
For Merit, the student needs to communicate capably in French.
This involves using a range of language and building on aspects of the information, ideas, and opinions expressed. Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student refers to different experiences – the relationship with his father, his discussion about sport (golf and football), and his preferred holiday destination.
There is mastery of language to talk about past or future events/experiences, as well as present, e.g. “quand je suis allé à Fiji, après le golf j’ai bu du Coca Cola”.
A range of language at the appropriate level is used and information is built on with descriptions and reasons, e.g. why he likes playing football and why he prefers Fiji to Hawaii.
This is at the high end of the Merit scale, with successful use of a range of language. However, some inconsistencies do impact on communication, e.g. “la dernier weekend…jouait au golf hier, oui je fais sentir pardon pour mon père tout le temps, sûr on ile”.
Excellence (example A)
For Excellence, the student needs to communicate skilfully in French.
This involves using a range of language successfully and connecting the information, ideas, and opinions cohesively. Communication is not hindered by inconsistencies.
This student has communicated about different events/experiences. There is talk about why Ruakaka is the best place to visit and a description of a past camping trip. At the end there is some different language used to communicate about future activities.
There is mastery of language to talk about the present as well as the past and future, e.g. a past camping trip and what she will do next weekend and next summer.
A range of language is successfully used, and the information is built on and connected through the use of reasons and details, e.g. “Il y avait du soleil chaque jour donc j’ai joué au tennis avec ma sœur, A mon avis Ruakaka est plus amusant qu’à Auckland parce qu’il y à beaucoup d’activitiés”.
There are minor inconsistencies (such as the above accent on à), however these do not impact in any way on communication.
Excellence (example B)
For Excellence, the student needs to communicate skilfully in French.
This involves using a range of language successfully and connecting the information, ideas, and opinions cohesively. Communication is not hindered by inconsistencies.
This student has communicated about different experiences. She shared information about her daily routine, activities she likes doing (both now and in the future), and some information about her experiences with school (struggles with Maths).
Information and ideas are at times developed in complex sentences, e.g. “Je ne me suis pas amusée avec mon amie ce week-end parce qu’elle est en vacances au ski mais ça va parce que je vais passer du temps avec elle le week-end prochain.”
The student’s successful choice of vocabulary demonstrates the ability to describe a situation and share a detailed opinion, e.g. “Malheureusement, je dois encore faire mes devoirs ce week-end et aujourd’hui je fais mes devoirs de maths.”
The language is connected, e.g. each activity is introduced with connective phrases such as “La premiere chose que je fais…” and “Ensuite je prepare normalement un petit-déjeuner…”
Language is used at the expected level, and skilfully flows from the present to talking about past or future events or experiences, e.g. “quand j'étais jeune, c'était facile, mais maintenant je le déteste.”
This is at the lower end of the Excellence scale, as there are some pronunciation issues which rely on context and video to be absolutely clear. Inconsistences such as verb conjugations do not hinder communication.
For a more secure Excellence the different events/experiences could be more clearly defined.
Excellence (example B) video
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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