AS 91965 Annotated exemplars

Communicate in French for a chosen purpose

French | Level 1
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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For Achieved, the student needs to communicate in French for a chosen purpose.

This involves using relevant language to express information, ideas, and opinions relevant to the context, and referring to events or experiences in the present as well as the past or future. Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.

The student has shared information and opinions about her daily routine and things she likes to do in the weekend. There is evidence of using language at the expected level and talking about present and/or future events or experiences, e.g. use of the past tense “Quand j’ai fini le petit-déjeuner j’ai rangé ma chambre”. The student structures the information logically and is beginning to expand on information given, e.g. “A 10 heures et demie je me réveille mais je ne suis pas levé”.

For Merit, there would be less mother tongue interference. It is expected that words like ‘yoghurt and berries’, ‘crackers’ and ‘shower cap’ would be in French. There would also be additional evidence of mastery of language to talk about past events, e.g. differentiation between present and past verb endings to clearly indicate the intended time sequence.

Communication is achieved overall. However, there are general pronunciation issues (particularly around sounding the final consonant) and consistent problems with formation and pronunciation of verb endings, which cause confusion and significantly impact on understanding of the message.

Achieved video


91965 Exemplar Merit (PDF | 8.4 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to communicate capably in French to communicate for a chosen purpose.

This involves using a range of language and building on aspects of information, ideas, and opinions expressed. Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The student has interacted capably about her family holiday in Nouméa. There is evidence of use of language at the expected level and about present and past or future events, e.g. “Nouméa est important pour moi parce que c'était ma première fois outre-mer et j’ai parlé français”. The written and oral texts use a range of language, and the student builds on the core information shared, e.g. “Avant de retourner je vais devoir economiser beaucoup d’argent.”

Both simple, formulaic sentences and complex sentences are used, e.g. “Je veux retourner mais j’attendrai probablement quelques années pour l’anniversaire de mon grand-père.”

Communication is impacted by pronunciation in places, e.g. in the first recorded passage “un moment memorable.” However, overall communication is not significantly hindered.

For Excellence, the student could demonstrate further detail in the information that she shares and her opinions about experiences. For example, adding a reason why Nouméa is a good holiday destination, such as “Nouméa est une destination de vacances idéale parce qu’il y a beaucoup de chose à faire même s’il pleut, par exemple...”.

For Excellence, inconsistencies would not interfere with clear communication.

Merit video 1

Merit video 2




For Excellence, the student needs to communicate skillfully in French for a chosen purpose.

This involves using a range of language successfully and connecting information, ideas, and opinions cohesively. Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.

This student has shared information about her daily routine and her life when she was young. Information and ideas are at times developed in complex sentences, e.g. “Je ne me suis pas amusée avec mon amie ce week-end parce qu’elle est en vacances au ski mais ça va parce que je vais passer du temps avec elle le week-end prochain.”

The student’s successful choice of vocabulary demonstrates the ability to describe a situation and share a detailed opinion, e.g. “Malheureusement, je dois encore faire mes devoirs ce week-end et aujourd’hui je fais mes devoirs de maths.”

Information flows logically following the chronology of a day, with flashbacks to childhood where appropriate. There is coherent structure, with each activity being introduced with connective phrases such as “La premiere chose que je fais…” and “Ensuite je prepare normalement un petit-déjeuner…”. Language is used at the expected level, and skilfully flows from the present to talking about past or future events or experiences, e.g. “quand j'étais jeune, c'était facile, mais maintenant je le déteste.”

There are minor inconsistences such as verb conjugations and some pronunciation issues. However, communication is not hindered.

Excellence video


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