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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to interact using effective spoken French to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to give explanations or provide evidence to support their own views or the views of others.
Effective French will be shown by a range of language that is consistently fit for the context, and by skilful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The exemplified student appears on the right in all three interactions.
The student uses effective French to communicate information and explain her views, for example, ‘Je pense que l’art c’est ma passion’, ‘car c’est une façon de s’exprimer’, and ‘Non… parce que..’ ‘il est recommandé de ne pas fumer’.
The interactions are maintained by the student through a skilful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies. She asks questions, listens to what is said, and responds accordingly, with more than simple formulaic phrases, for example, ‘C’est très bien, Sarah, que tu fais [de] l’exercice’. ‘Tu t’entends bien avec tes parents?’ ‘Que feras-tu?’
There are some language inconsistencies, especially with pronunciation, that come close to hindering communication, for example, ‘c’est incroyable’, ‘de temps en temps’ and ‘la meilleure région’, but overall communication is achieved and the flow of the interaction is not hindered.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could provide additional evidence of a range of language at the expected level.
Video for Low Excellence interaction 1 (4:01 mins)
Video for Low Excellence interaction 2 (3:17 mins)
Video for Low Excellence interaction 3 (3:33 mins)
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to interact using convincing spoken French to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to give explanations or provide evidence to support their own views or the views of others.
Convincing French will be shown by a range of language that is fit for the context, and by generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The exemplified student appears on the left in the first interaction.
The student demonstrates convincing French by the use of a range of language to communicate information, such as, ‘J’étais dans le film Harry Potter... Je voudrais créer un balai volant’. She is able to explain and support her views, for example, ‘On serait ensemble! Je trouve ça très dur’.
The student is genuinely engaged throughout all three interactions,and uses a wide repertoire of interactive language and strategies, for example, ‘Mais il serait très cher’, ‘Ma pauvre!’. She makes good use of formulaic phrases, such as, ‘Tu blagues là!’, but is also able to extend comments made by her partner, for example, ‘Peut-être, mais tu dois être en bonne forme’.
There are inconsistencies, such as, ‘Alors, qu’est-ce que tu veux faire l’avenir?’ and ‘Il y a un fantôme s’appelle Myrtle, C’est excité’, but these do not hinder communication significantly.
This student shows an impressive ability to interact in a range of contexts,and meets the Excellence criteria of successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies.
To reach Excellence, the student would need to show additional evidence of a range of language at the appropriate level.
Video for High Merit interaction 1 (3:36 mins)
Video for High Merit interaction 2 (2:50 mins)
Video for High Merit interaction 3 (4:25 mins)
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to interact using convincing spoken French to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to give explanations or provide evidence to support their own views or the views of others.
Convincing French will be shown by a range of language that is fit for the context, and by generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The exemplified student appears on the left in the first interaction.
The student communicates information and offers evidence to support her views, for example, ‘parce que je suis paresseuse. She is engaged and plays an active part in maintaining the interactions, for example, ‘Que veux-tu faire dans la vie?’, ’Pourquoi?’ and ’Ah, d’accord!’ In the first interaction she helps her partner out several times, for example, with ‘bonne idée’ and ‘la natation’.
There is a range of language used that fits the specific purpose and audience of each interaction, such as, ‘Pour garder la forme je joue au tennis et je fais de la gymnastique…’ and ‘Que fais-tu pendant le weekend?’
The interactions are not significantly hindered by inconsistencies, for example, ‘En Tahiti, il n’y a pas beaucoup d’histoire’ or ‘Que fais-tu pour garde la forme?’
This student demonstrates an ability to use straightforward language to give information and opinions.
For a more secure Merit, there will be additional evidence of a range of language to justify ideas and opinions, such as explaining or supporting her views.
Video for Low Merit interaction 1 (4:56 mins)
Video for Low Merit interaction 2 (6:03 mins)
Video for Low Merit interaction 3 (2:58 mins)
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact using spoken French to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The exemplified student appears on the right in the first interaction.
The student communicates information and offers some evidence to support her views, for example, ‘Tahiti est très pittoresque et joli’. There is evidence of simple strategies to help her maintain the interaction, even when it moves into unexpected areas, such as, ‘Artificiel?’ and ‘Vraiment?’
There are inconsistencies, but overall, these do not significantly hinder communication, for example, ‘Tu es gagné déjà?’
To reach Merit, the student would need to meet the requirement for a range of language. A wider range would convincingly communicate and justify her own information, ideas and opinions and enhance the ways that she interacts with and comments on those of others.
Video for High Achieved interaction 1 (4:56 mins)
Video for High Achieved interaction 2 (6:03 mins)
Video for High Achieved interaction 3 (3:05 mins)
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact using spoken French to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to provide evidence to support their own views or the views of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The exemplified student appears on the right in the first interaction.
The student contributes some information across the three interactions,for example, ‘monpère est très stricte et un peu protecteur’, and at times is able to explain her views,such as, ‘la vie... très stressant parce que je suis très occupée avec mes devoirs’. Her contribution to the third interaction is limited, but enough information is shared to enable the other speaker to interact.
There is evidence that the student has some simple interactive strategies, for example, ‘oui’, ‘c’est cool’, ‘désolée’ and ‘et toi?’, and can ask questions.
Communication is achieved despite inconsistencies, for example, ‘parce que je vais un prof’, ‘je ne jouais pas la guitare parce que trop difficile’, and ‘je vous pourrais la Provence’. Despite the inconsistencies, the other speaker is able to understand.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could show additional language at the expected level. This would show that she is able to communicate and explain her own information, ideas and opinions, and interact with, comment on or refer to those of others.
Video for Low Achieved interaction 1 (4.11 mins)
Video for Low Achieved interaction 2 (5:49 mins)
Video for Low Achieved interaction 3 (5:00 mins)
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact using spoken French to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks second in the first interaction.
There is some information given, such as, ‘je pense peut-être la musique – j’adore la musique – c’est mon matière’, ‘je suis une secrétaire pour l’école primaire – c’est très facile’. The interaction does show some of the language features and strategies of interacting, for example, ‘et toi?’, ‘Pourquoi?’ and ‘Ah oui?’
To reach Achieved, the student will show an ability to move beyond the simple oui or non type answers and show evidence of being able to help maintain and sustain the conversation by providing information or opinions with which the listener can also interact.
To reach Achieved, the language provided by the student will come closer to the 3 minutes suggested.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 253 KB]
TKI French assessment resources (external link)