AS 91124 annotated exemplars

Interact using spoken German to share information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations

German | Level 2
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI German assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence


For Excellence, the student needs to interact using effective spoken German to communicate information by giving explanations or providing evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.

Effective German will be shown by a range of language that is consistently fit for the context, and by skilful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.

Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.

In the Interaction 1, the exemplified student speaks first, in Interaction 2, the exemplified student speaks second, and in Interaction 3, the exemplified student asks “Also, wie benutzt du soziale Medien?”

This student has interacted in effective spoken German, using a range of language consistently fit for purpose and audience, such as ‘gefallen mir auch gut, aber’, ‘also, wir sollen am Samstag den Filmmarathon machen’, ‘ein bißchen Alkohol, aber nicht zu viel’, ‘meistens mag ich’, ‘Hast du Maroon 5 gehört?’, ‘dass es irgendwelche Problem mit sozialen Medien gibt’ and ‘verlierst du die Fähigkeit eine gute Konversation zu führen’. Each interaction is characterised by a genuine purpose.

The student skilfully selected from a repertoire of language features, such as questioning, e.g. ‘Möchtest du am Wochenende etwas zusammen machen, oder machst du schon etwas?’ and ‘Und warum so früh?’, as well as using persuasive and contextually appropriate language, e.g. ‘ah nein, 2 Uhr ist ein bißchen zu früh, wie wär es mit’, pausing ‘mmh, ja… sie ist okay’, ‘ja, natürlich’ andencouraging ‘das ist sehr jung’.

The student was able to use strategies to maintain the interaction with skill, e.g. by agreeing ‘Oh, ja, ich habe das gehören nicht’, prompting ‘ja, … ja’, and recognising cues ‘oh ja, und was für Sport?’

For a more secure Excellence, the student could demonstrate that a range of language is used with fewer inconsistencies in langauge use such as ‘sie hat ein neue Leider das isch mag nicht’, ‘ich habe das gehören nicht’, ‘es geht mir gut weil es sehr praktisch ist’ and ‘ich nach College House, ah, kommen erste’.

High Merit


For Merit, the student needs to interact using convincing spoken German to communicate information by giving explanations or providing evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.

Convincing German will be shown by a range of language that is fit for the context, and by generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction.

Communication is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

In Interaction 1, the exemplified student introduces the guessing game, in Interaction 2, the exemplified student states she lives in Christchurch, and in Interaction 3, the exemplified student is being interviewed by the teacher.

This student has used a range of contextually appropriate language, e.g. ‘ich trage Lederhosen’, ‘Haar so schwarz wie Ebenholz’, ‘ich kann es nicht leiden, wenn’,  ‘nach meinen Sternzeichen bin ich manchmal unzuverlässig’, ‘ich interessiere mich für’, ‘verdienen nicht so viel Geld’ and ‘vielleicht werde ich später meine Meinung ändern’.

The student was also generally successful in selecting from a repertoire of languages features such as questioning ‘Was sind deine Eigenschaften?’ and ‘Hast du ein beste Freundin?’, and agreeing ‘Oh toll’, ‘Ah geil, ich auch’ and ‘ja, das stimmt’.

There was evidence of the student’s recognising cues in the teacher-student interaction as well as participating and contributing to all interactions.

To reach Excellence, the student could demonstrate that she is capable of selecting and delivering more natural, less role-played strategies to maintain interactions. Passages that were overly long and rehearsed detracted from using interactive strategies.

Also, she needs to show evidence that she can skillfully use language features fit for purpose and audience, and avoid basic inconsistencies such as ‘in der Wald’, ‘wenn mein Mutter gute Laune ist’ and ‘es ist mehr wichtig’.

Low Merit


For Merit, the student needs to interact using convincing spoken German to communicate information by giving explanations or providing evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.

Convincing German will be shown by a range of language that is fit for the context, and by generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction.

Communication is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

In Interaction 1, the exemplified student asks the first question, in Interaction 2, the exemplified student asks the first question, and in Interaction 3, the exemplified student asks the first question.

This student used a range of language appropriate for the purpose, e.g. ‘Ich bin nicht sicher’, ‘handelt von ein Mann’ and ‘weil es eine romantischer Film ist’.

There is evidence of some successful selection of language features, such as in asking the questions ‘Magst du Bücher oder Filme?’, ’Hörst du Musik in deine Freizeit?’ and ‘Und warum lernst du soviele?’

Furthermore, the student selects strategies like agreeing or disagreeing ‘Ja, stimmt’, ‘ja, ich denke in Dunedin du hast keine Konzerts’ and ‘Ah, nein, das ist traurig’, supporting the partner, ‘Du bist supergut!’, and recognising cues, ‘Ja, das ist ein cooles Film’, ‘ist das alles?’ and ‘Sprachen? Ah?’  to maintain interactions.

For a more secure Merit, the student could demonstrate an ability to complete sentences and not rely on her partner to guess meaning from contextual cues: ‘ich denke ich habe, lange Zeit’, ‘denn normalerweise und jung Leute’, ‘ich habe zu gehen’, ‘wir haben viel Schwimmbad… und draussen und… ist supercool…’ and ‘und im Winter ist warm und…’.

The repertoire of language features could be expanded from the present tense to better demonstrate generally successful selection of language features.

Inconsistently used words or phrases such as ‘deine Lieblingscharakter?’, ‘wie geht’s deine Tage?’, ich vergesse was Titanic uber’, ‘ist sehr casual’, ‘deine Lieblingsbrand’ and ‘Was ist das Zeit?’ would not impact on communication.

High Achieved


For Achieved the student needs to interact using spoken German to communicate information by giving explanations or providing evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

In Interaction 1, the exemplified student states “Es geht mir gut, und du?”, in Interaction 2, the exemplified student answers the first question about the internet, and in Interaction 3, the exemplified student answers the first question about modern technology.

This student has shared information in genuine and natural interactions , e.g. ‘Es geht mir gut, danke’, ‘die neue Musik ist schlecht’, ‘also ich auch, ich höre zu alles Metal’, ‘ich habe keine music festival gehen’, ‘ich benutze die Internet für Facebook’, ‘ich rufe meine Freunde nicht so viel an’, ‘es ist so einfach zu organisiert dein Leben’, ‘Leben ist so einfach mit technology’, ‘der ist Probleme mit neues Technologie’ and ‘wenn ich ein Kindheit, ich und meine Vater spielt Duke Nukem auf dem Computer’.

The student demonstrates that he can give explanations and provide evidence to support his views and the views of others, such as ‘Magst du Slipknot?’, ‘ist nicht so gut, ist schlecht’, ‘Was glaubst du?’, ‘wenn ich bin im meine Hause’ and ‘weil junge Kinder auf dem Internet mit keine Alten…’.

The student initiates and maintains interactions through questioning partners and using strategies such as agreeing ‘oh, ja ja’, ‘ja, ich simse meine Freunde auch’, and restating cues, e.g. ‘mein Lebe besser? Mmh, nein’ and ‘Cybermobbing? Ich höre das…’.

To reach Merit, the student could demonstrate a generally successful selection of language features that would not significantly hinder communication, such as ‘wann ich 11 Jahre alt’, ‘er ist zu dunkel’ and ‘Zeitverschwerung’, and provide evidence that he is able to generally follow languages conventions such as using complete sentences.

Low Achieved


For Achieved the student needs to interact using spoken German to communicate information by giving explanations or providing evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

In Interaction 1, the exemplified student asks “Und du?”, in Interaction 2, the exemplified student talks about the price of his shirt, and in Interaction 3, the exemplified student asks the first question about which move his partner watched.

This student has communicated information, e.g. ‘ich werde nur wichtige Dinge kaufen’, ‘du bist ein Familienmann’, ‘ich habe auf dem Bauernhof lebenslang aufgewachsen’, ‘Mir geht’s gut’, ‘ich habe vergessen’, ‘zwei Tage später der Preis reduziert ist’, ‘mit Freunden sein’, ‘ich habe darüber gesprochen’ and ‘ich, ich  genoss gerade Brautjungfern, es ist ein Chickflick’.

The student demonstrates he can give explanations and provide evidence to support his views and the views of others, such as ‘ich glaube, dass das nicht so schlecht ist, und das ist besser als kein Geld’, ‘würde ich ein Lottolos kaufen’, ‘total nicht, ich weiss das wie ich bin’, ‘Schön und gut!’, ‘ so dass ich genug Geld verdienen kann’, ‘dass das einen cooler macht’, ‘um seine Mutter zu retten, verwandelt Alex die Wohnung der family’, ‘ich liebe romantische Filme’.

For a more secure Achieved, the student could demonstrate that inconsistencies in language features such as ‘weil ich habe das ist besser zum nur kaufen wenn ich sollte oder muss Geld’, ‘ich würde ehrlich nicht, nur um auf den Laufsteg zu laufen zu dumm sein’, ‘nehmen, ah, oh Mann, nehmen mich breit und ich würde die f-f-f die fehren für? ja nicht so viel geweckt overlesen… ’, ‘Warum geht es?’ and ‘haben Sie es besser denken’ would hinder communication less.

Additionally, rhythm patterns and intonation would better follow language conventions and not impact on communication.

High Not Achieved


For Achieved the student needs to interact using spoken German to communicate information by giving explanations or providing evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

In Interaction 1, the exemplified student asks the first question, in Interaction 2, the exemplified student speaks first, and in Interaction 3, the exemplified student speaks first.

This student has communicated information and supplied explanations to support his views, e.g. ‘Avengers ist ein Quatschfilm’, ‘Ich finde Avengers langweilig’, ‘Aber es ist spannend, es ist nicht zu lange’, ‘Ich benutze Skype Punkt 10.’, ‘es ist sehr altmodisch’ and ‘dann sinkt dein Selbstwertgefuhlt’ and ‘ich habe eine Artikel … gelesen’.

The student actively listens and supports his partner by supplying encouraging remarks. He initiates and maintaint interaction through questions such as ‘Welche Films magst du denn?’ and ‘Benutzen du andere soziale Medien?’. 

To reach Achieved, the student could demonstrate an ability to to use complete and meaningful sentences instead of sentences such as ‘Sehen Sixth Sense?’, ‘Wie war’s mit und welche Uhr?’, ‘Hast du Probleme, mit, aah, viel Leute technology benutzen?’, ‘das ist sehr nicht gut’, ‘Das ist richtig, aber sind meistens eine platform’ and ‘benützen, wenn sie sich zur modern Technologie’. 

Inconsistencies in intonation, rhythm patterns and pronunciation would not impact on communication.

See all German assessment resources