AS 91125 annotated exemplars

Give a spoken presentation in German that communicates information, ideas and opinions

German | Level 2
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI German assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91125 exemplar Low Excellence (ZIP | 6.8 MB)


For Excellence, the student needs to give an effective spoken presentation that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.

Effective German will be shown by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated.

Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.

This presentation demonstrates the effective use of German by generally controlled and integrated development of information, e.g. ‘dass ihr nicht so viel Jetlag habt nach eure lange lange Reise, weil wenn man müde ist’ and ‘also vergesst nicht, dass ihr alle hier seid, um Englisch zu lernen’.

The student expresses and justifies opinions, e.g. ‘wenn man müde ist, kann man die Erlebnisse in Neuseeland nicht so gut erfahren‘, ‘Unterschiede sind interessanter, weil sie fremd zu sein scheinen‘ and ’die beste Aktivität, die man in Wellington tun könnte, in den Bergen zu wandern.’

The student capably selects culturally appropriate language such as idiomatic expressions and language features, which are always fit for purpose, e.g. ‘Hallo, Leute!’,’also nicht in die Falle tappen‘, ’folglich ist mein Deutsch nicht so gut wie es sein soll‘, ‘obwohl wir an der anderen Seite der Welt sind’, ‘ganz anders als in Deutschland’, ‘benutzt man ein winziges Gebäude’ and ‘je mehr Spaß ihr habt, desto mehr lernt ihr’.

For a more secure Excellence, the student would need to take more care to avoid inconsistencies such as ‘und enthält viele wichtige, wie die, wie der einzige …(whoa)… Riesenkalmar, der jemals gefunden wurde’, ‘Konsequenz, weil man näher in der, an der Natur … als in ein schickes Haus’. This would ensure that the criteria of capable selection and successful use of language is securely met.

Additionally, less hesitant delivery would ensure more effective communication.

Low Excellence exemplar for AS 91125

High Merit

91125 exemplar High Merit (ZIP | 6.3 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.

Convincing German will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.

Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The student connects information, ideas and opinions about her trip to Berlin, e.g. ‘seit einigen Jahren die Hauptstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands‘, ‘weil es bis zum Jahre 1989 ein Symbol für die Teilung Berlins war’, ‘muss man hier gehen, weil es ein Teil deutsche Geschichte’, ‘supercool und farbenreich, es ist der langest Open Air Gallery und ich liebe es … weil es ideal für Photos ist’.

There is evidence that the student selects and uses a range of language fit for the purpose of this presentation, e.g. ‘ich finde es erstaunlich’, ‘besonders zu empfehlen’, ‘weil ich religiös bin’, ‘Der Dom ist sehr grosse evangalische Kathedrale an der Strasse, die Unter den Leiden heißt’, ‘ ich hatte über dies Gebaude schon gelernt’

Delivery of the presentation is fluent and convincing, and communication is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

To reach Excellence, the student needs to show consistent evidence that she can capably select and successfully use language features fit for purpose and audience, e.g. language such as ‘war in Berlin für eine Woche‘, ‘ich habe viel Spaß gemacht’, ‘ Bewölk Berlins und ist 26 mehrters hoch’, ‘schwer bescheidich’, ‘also es interessant für mich war’ and ‘und so wirst du’ does not sufficiently demonstrate this criteria.

In addition, the English interference in pronunciation of basic words like ‘Berlin‘, ‘Bundesrepublik’ and ‘Symbol’ does have some impact on comprehension.

High Merit exemplar for AS 91125

Low Merit

91125 exemplar Low Merit (ZIP | 8.2 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.

Convincing German will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.

Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The student demonstrates generally connected development of information and ideas, e.g. ‘aber heimlich nehmen sie entweder Drogen oder Zigaretten. Was soll die Regierung machen?’, ‘Nach der Schule ist es scher, denn es gibt viele Berufsmöglichkeiten. Das Leben von Jung, Jugendliche ist sowohl toll als auch kompliziert’.

The student selects and uses a range of language suited to the purpose of the presentation, such as ‘muss man sich entscheiden, ob’, ‘ riesengroß’, ‘soll eigentlich keine Rolle spielen’, ‘keinen Job haben, den man nicht mag’.

Communication is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

For a more secure Merit, this student would need to demonstrate additional consistency in the selection and use of a range of language features, such as word choice and word order, during the presentation. Her delivery becomes less convincing in the latter half of the presentation, due to hesitation and unclear pronunciation.

She would also need to show additional evidence of successful use of language, particularly towards the end of her presentation, e.g. ‘man sieht ja auch tupen informen oder so und’, ‘keine Idee haben’, ‘man könnte im Ausland fahren zu arbeiten’. 

Low Merit exemplar for AS 91125

High Achieved

91125 exemplar High Achieved (ZIP | 7.1 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The student demonstrates that she is able to develop and connect information, ideas and opinions, such as ‘Ich bin also in ein Jugendherberge geblieben. Die Leute in Jugendherberge war sehr freundlich. Das Stadion war nur 20 Minuten von mein Jugendherberge’ and ‘ich hatte nicht genug Geld, die Jacke war sehr teuer’.

The student selects some appropriate language, e.g. ‘mit einer Gruppe von Jugendlichen‘, ‘am Heiligen Abend hatten wir die Feier‘, ‘und haben Weihnachtslieder gesungen’.

Communication is achieved overall.

To reach Merit, there would be less impact on communication from inconsistencies in pronunciation and choosing phrases or words that are hard to comprehend in context, such as ‘hübsch königliche’, ‘künstliche Bilder’, ‘so ich finde Karlsplatz zu schaftigen’.

Further, inconsistencies, e.g.‘weil ich ein Schloss nie gesehen’, ‘ ich habe … eingekaufe’, ‘das Jacke’ and ‘bin ich …zum Disco gegangen, (und) ich hab viel Spaß in Disco’, will not significantly hinder communication.

High Achieved exemplar for AS 91125

Low Achieved

91125 exemplar Low Achieved (ZIP | 5.9 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The student communicates information and ideas in his presentation, e.g. ‘ich werde spreche über Fitness, Diät und wie gesund bleiben’, ‘alle Sport und Exercise sind gut’

The student expresses opinions, such as ‘ist so wichtig für ein gesund Leben’, ‘weil du kannst fit bleiben und die Sport treiben man helfen, stark sein und gesund bleiben’

At times, appropriate language is used successfully, e.g. ‘denken, wenn sie ein Diät halten, aber nicht trainieren’. 

Communication is achieved overall despite inconsistencies.

For a more secure Achieved, the student would need to demonstrate that communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies in word order and choice of the appropriate word, e.g. ‘weil sie sind sehr Spaß’, ‘ ungesundlich’, ‘ich mag Rugby und Cricket nicht so interessant’.

Low Achieved exemplar for AS 91125

High Not Achieved

91125 exemplar High Not Achieved (ZIP | 7.5 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

In this presentation, the student communicates information and expresses ideas, e.g. ‘Es ist wichtig zu essen gesund Essen’, ‘ sie sehen nicht 100 Meter Sprinter, die BK Double Down essen’ and ‘ ich esse auch nicht zuckerhaltig Lebensmittel’.

The student also expresses some opinions, such as ‘weil Fleisch ist mein Lieblingsessen als alle der Arten Essen’ and ‘Das war ein Quatschidee’.

At times, appropriate language is used, e.g. ‘eine Fleischdiät ist nicht gut für Sie’, ‘weil Lebensmittel ist, was Ihnen Energie gibt’.

To reach Achieved, communication will be achieved overall. Attention to pronunciation, stress and delivery patterns, word order patterns and correct word usage would ensure that communication was achieved.

High Not Achieved exemplar for AS 91125

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