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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear effective German, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is controlled and integrated, and capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student provides evidence of successful clear and effective language use to explore and support a range of ideas and perspectives, such as ‘Ich möchte wissen, welche Projekte euere Schule unternimmt und wie wir darin verwickelt werden können. Ich glaube: je mehr Leute sich an etwas beteiligen desto mehr werden den Überschwemmung Opfern geholfen’ (1).
Language is capably selected and fit for purpose, e.g. ‘Am Montag hat meine Deutsche Klasse Würste mit Sauerkraut am Mittagessen gekocht, die wurden von anderen Schülern für zwei Dollar gekauft. Meine Freundin sagte, dass es die beste Wurste war, dass sie je gegessen habe’ (2).
For a more secure Excellence, there would be additional consistency with successful selection of language.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing German, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is generally credible and connected, and the use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is evidence of convincingly used language exploring ideas and perspectives, e.g. ‘Weil es ein Jahr weg von zu Hause ist, verstehe ich, dass es manchmal Sorgen mit dem Austausch geben wird. Zuerst werde ich wahrscheinlich Heimweh bekommen, besonders mit Ferien...’ (1), ‘Zuerst gab es ein Mädchen, die ganz für Technologie im Klassenzimmer war... Ihr Hauptargument war, dass alles schneller auf Computer ist’ (2).
To reach Excellence, there would be additional evidence of successful use of a range of language and communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies such as ‘wahrscheinlich weil ich erlebte anders als zu Hause’ (3).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing German, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected and use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student has developed, explored and justified varied ideas and perspectives, e.g. ‘Ein interessantes Thema in diesem Film war, die Leistung der Liebe: Lügen zu sagen um Leute die man liebt zu schützen’ (1)‚ ‘Jedenfalls, hat diese ganze Erfahrung mich gelehrt dass ich keine Sorgen machen sollen weil zuletzt alles ok ist’ (2).
For a more secure Merit, there would be consistent evidence of controlled development, e.g. by improving the credibility of passages such as ‘Infolge Ihrer Notlage, fasse ich mich auf, dass die verirrte Identität eueres Landes sich in den brüchigen Herzen von den Leuten eures Landes widergespiegelt worden hat’ (3).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear German, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student organises the texts appropriately, e.g. following the conventions of a film review. The student evaluates behaviour: ‘...aber ein Junge sagte, dass er habe die Wurst nicht nur zu scharf gefunden, sondern auch dass er wollte sein Geld zurück. Weil er eine Currywurst bestellte, fand ich ihn lächerlich. Ich meine, je mehr Kundin die nicht froh werden, desto grösser wird unser Geldverlust’ (1).
To reach Merit, there would be additional evidence of controlled development, e.g. by improving the credibility of passages such as ‘Erstens, ist es für zuliebe seiner unbewusster Mutti, aber wir sehen, dass auch Alex die Lüge braucht’, (2) and
‘Doch bevor dass passiert, hat die Mutter Christina der Hauptfigur Alex, an einen Herzanfall leiden die eine leidenschaftlich Mitglied des DDR war’ (3).
Additionally, inconsistencies would not significantly hinder communication of the message, e.g. ‘Wäre ich im Deutschland, würde ich verstecken’ (4).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear German, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is evidence of exploration and justification of perspectives, e.g. ‘Ich denke dass dieses Jahr sollen wir mehr Aktivitäten haben, wie volkstümliche Tanzen... weil letzten Jahr, hatten wir nicht viele Aktivitäten und es war ein bisschen langweilig’ (1), ‘Ich stelle vor, dass ich da drüben hätte sei, würde ich mich sehr fürchten...’ (2) and ‘Kiwis verwenden das Wort „Kiwiana “für stereotypische Kiwi Dinge zu beschreiben’ (3).
For a more secure Achieved, there would be additional evidence of mastery of language at this level, justifying varied ideas and perspectives.
Further, for a more secure Achieved, the language inconsistencies will have less impact on the communicative intent of the texts.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear German, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The texts show evidence of exploration of ideas, such as the organisation and rationale for an international languages week, how a German school that was flooded could be helped, and a description of life in New Zealand.
To reach Achieved, there would be further evidence of clear language use which reflects the level required for the New Zealand Curriculum Level 8 to explore and justify varied perspectives. Language such as ‘Unsere Gedanken und Gebete sind mit euch allen...’ (1) and ‘Es ist ein Bild von Macht und Symbol der Inspiration’ (2) does not sufficiently demonstrate this level.
Further, inconsistencies would not hinder communication, e.g. ‘Vor allem sind wir erfreut mit den Veranstaltungen sind geplant’ (3) and ’Wir sind auch bittendie Studenten zu bringen Haushaltswaren für uns dir zu geben’ (4).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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